Intro; Preface; Prologue 1; Prologue 2; Contents; Notes on Contributors; List of Figures; List of Tables; Chapter 1: Introduction: The Dynamics of Sustainability and Environmental Governance in the Asia Pacific; Introduction; Interrogating the Population, Development, Environment Nexus; Environmental Governance: Fact or Fiction?; Conclusion and Focus; Bibliography; Chapter 2: The Nexus Between Population, Development and the Environment: Critical to Determining Quality of Life on Earth; Introduction; Environmental Science and the Human Condition; Rich and Poor Countries
A Fair Share of Resources?Sustainability; Indigenous Peoples; Conclusion; Bibliography; Chapter 3: Nature Conservation and Its Bedfellows: The Politics of Preserving Nature; Introduction; Science and the Promise of Technological Change; The Politics of Environmental Issues; Nature Conservation and Politics; Conclusion; Chapter 4: Food, Agriculture and Small Farmers in Asia; Introduction; Continuous Global Support; Intensification; Environmental Sustainability; Reforming Markets; Building on Success; Challenges; The Sustainable Development Goals; Conclusion; Bibliography
Chapter 5: Trade-Offs Between Hydropower Development and Food Security in River ManagementIntroduction; Hydropower Trade-Offs in the Lower Mekong Basin; Hydropower Development in the Lower Mekong Basin; Food Supply in the Lower Mekong; Changes to Agricultural Systems; Implications for Myanmar; Hydropower in Myanmar; Trade-Offs with Food Security; Managing the Trade-Offs; Conclusion; Bibliography; Chapter 6: Impacts of Flood and Riverbank Erosion on Human Livelihoods: A Case Study of Some Riverside Villages in the Lower Ayeyarwady; Introduction; Purpose of This Research; Research Outcomes
Demographic and Socio-Economic Status of the RegionAge; Number of Children; Socio-Economic Conditions; Impact on Water Sources, Health and Environment; Water Sources; Cultural and Moral Development; Tarwa; Kanchaung Village; Chaungkye, Bawkwin Village; Conclusion; Health; Water and Sanitation; Education; Discussion; Recommendations; Bibliography; Chapter 7: Social Capital, Adaptation and Resilience: Case Studies of Rural Communities in Ethiopia, Zimbabwe and Myanmar; Introduction: The Importance of Social Capital; Dimensions of Social Capital; Research Questions; Research Methodology
Results and DiscussionFactors Leading to the Construction of Social Capital; Synthesis and Conclusions; Bibliography; Chapter 8: Rural-Urban Interaction in Rural Development of Peri-Urban Areas in Yangon Region, Myanmar: A Case Study of Hlegu Township; Introduction; Rural-Urban Relations; General Background of Study Area; Materials and Methods; Results and Findings; Conclusion and Suggestions; Bibliography; Chapter 9: Changing Livelihood Options as Adaptation: A Comparative Analysis of Three Flood Control Schemes in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta; Introduction; Methodology