"The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics ; UNESCO : United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ; International Atomic Energy Agency."
Includes bibliographical references.
Dark matter. Dark-matter overview / B. Sadoulet -- Results from DAMA experiments / P. Belli [and others] -- Neutralinos as relic particles: implications of the theoretical uncertainties in the neutralino-nucleon cross-section / F. Donato -- Hide and seek with neutralino dark matter WIMP / L. Roszkowski -- Relic abundance of dark matter particles: new formulation and new result of abundance calculation / M. Yoshimura -- CP violating phases and the dark matter problem / T. Falk -- Wimpzillas / E. Kolb -- A phenomenology of the dark energy / A. Albrecht -- Death of baryonic dark matter in our galactic halo / K. Freese -- Dark matter annihilation at the center of the galaxy / P. Gondolo -- Dark mirror matter / Z. Berezhiani -- SUSY dark matter at the LHC / D. Denegri -- A theoretical review of axion / J. Kim -- Dark Matter Caustics / P. Sikivie and W. Kinney -- Cosmological implications of supersymmetric CP violating phases / S. Khalil -- Possible observational evidences of non-baryonic (non-compact) microlenses / A. Zakharov -- High energy cosmic rays. Ultra high energy cosmic rays from super heavy relic particles / V. Berezinsky -- Cosmic ray conundra / A. De Rujula -- The most energetic particles in the universe / E. Roulet, D. Harari and S. Mollerach -- Cosmic rays signatures of massive relic particles / S. Sarkar -- Energies in the universe. The cosmological constant, nothing or everything?: observation confronts theory / L. Krauss -- Quintessence in tensor-scalar theories of gravity / N. Bartolo and M. Pietroni -- Energy conditions and their cosmological implications / M. Visser and C. Barcelo -- Global topology of the universe / C. Starkman -- Observed smooth energy is anthropically even more likely as quintessence than as cosmological constant / S. Bludman -- Supernovae data: cosmological constant or ruling out the cosmological principle? / M.N. Celener.
Extended quintessence: imprints on the cosmic microwave background spectra / C. Baccigalupi, F. Perrotta and S. Matarrese -- Can the inflaton and the quintessence scalar be the same field? / F. Rosati -- Big bang nucleosynthesis. The current status of big bang nucleosynthesis and related observations / K.A. Olive -- Cosmology, big bang nucleosynthesis, and neutrinos / A. Dolgov -- Lithium-6: a probe of the early universe / K. Jedamzik -- Inflation. Inflation and creation of matter in the universe / A. Linde -- Current issues for inflation / D. Lyth -- Spinodal inflation and metric perturbations: applications of non-equilibrium quantum field theory to inflation / R. Holman -- Supergravity in cosmology / R. Kallosh -- Preheating and supergravity / L. Kofman -- Nonthermal production of dangerous relics in the early universe / R. Riotto -- New inflation in supergravity and its observational implications / M. Kawasaki -- Stochastic gravitational waves backgrounds: a probe for inflationary and non-inflationary cosmology / M. Giovannini -- Fermion preheating / J. Baacke -- Preheating the dilaton / L.E. Mendes and A. Mazumdar -- Non-perturbative production of gravitinos after inflation / A . L. Maroto and A. Mazumdar -- Metric perturbations and inflationary phase transitions / D. Cormier and R. Holman -- Interacting fields in Robertson-Walker cosmologies / C. Molina-Paris, P.R. Anderson and S.A. Ramsey -- Nonperturbative production of fermions and the baryon asymmetry / M. Peloso -- Preheating of bosons in super symmetric hybrid inflation / M. Bastero-Gil, S.F. King and J. Sanderson -- CMB and structure formation. CMB: present and future / S. Dodelson -- An update on non-gaussianity in the COBE data / P. Ferreira -- Back reaction of cosmological perturbations / R.H. Brandenberger.
The fractal universe: recent data and theoretical developments / L. Pietronero -- Distribution of dark and luminous matter in the universe / R. Schaeffer -- Cosmological implications of a neutrino asymmetry / J. Lesgourgues and S. Pastor -- Metric perturbation of the FRW universe and the fractal distribution of the luminous matter / R. Mohayaee -- Topological defects. Testing cosmological defect formation in the laboratory / T. Kibble -- Vortex phases in condensed matter and cosmology / M. Laine -- Old and new cosmic and other defect string models / B. Carter -- Dark matter and cosmic strings in particle models / X. Zhang -- The fate of cosmic string zero modes / A.-C. Davis, S.C. Davis and W.B. Perkins -- New regime for dense string networks / C.S. Aulakh -- Dilatonic, current-carrying cosmic strings / C.N. Ferreira, M.E.X. Guimariies and J.A. Helayel-Neto -- Phase transitions and magnetic fields. High temperature symmetry nonrestoration / B. Bajc -- The origin of cosmic magnetic fields / O. Tornkvist -- Primordial magnetic fields and electroweak baryogenesis / D. Grasso -- Wess-Zumino wallpaper / P.M. Saffin -- Non-equilibrium dynamics of hot Abelian Higgs model / A. Rajantie -- Mass shift ofaxion in magnetic field / N.V. Mikheev, A. Ya. Parkhomenko and L.A. Vassilevskaya -- Cosmological magnetic fields by parametric resonance? / F. Finelli -- First-order phase transitions in an early-universe environment / M. Lilley -- Q-balls. Cosmology of SUSY Q-balls / A. Kusenko -- Q-ball formation through Affleck-Dine mechanism / S. Kasuya -- Energy losses of Q-balls in matter, earth and detectors / M. Ouchrif -- Neutrinos. Recent results from Super-Kamiokande / M. Takita -- Neutrino oscillations at the accelerators/reactors / S. Mishra -- Non-accelerator neutrino mass searches / K. Zuber -- Neutrinoless double beta decay and new physics in the neutrino sector / H.V. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus and H. Pas.
Theoretical implications of recent neutrino discoveries / R.N. Mohapatra -- Mirror neutrinos and the early universe / R.R. Volkas -- Neutrino scattering in strong magnetic fields / K. Bhattacharya and P.B. Pal -- Effects of a general set of interactions on neutrino propagation in matter / E. Nardi -- Active-sterile neutrino oscillations in the early universe and the atmospheric neutrino anomaly / P. Di Bari -- R-parity violation and neutrino masses / E.J. Chun -- Baryogenesis. Recent progress in Affleck-Dine baryogenesis / K. Enqvist -- Sources for electroweak baryogenesis / K. Kainulainen -- Supersymmetric electroweak baryogenesis / N. Rius -- The quantum Boltzmann equation in a nontrivial background / M. Joyce, K. Kainulainen and T. Prokopec -- Making baryons below the electroweak scale / M. Trodden -- Electroweak baryogenesis from preheating / J. Garcia-Bellido -- Baryon number asymmetry induced by coherent motions of a cosmological axion-like pseudoscalar / R. Brustein and D.H. Oaknin -- Reconciling neutrino oscillations with SO(10) leptogenesis / E. Nezri and J. Orloff -- The muon mass and a neutrino asymmetry: a minimal baryogenesis Mechanism / J. March-Russell -- String cosmology. String cosmology: an update / G. Veneziano -- Cosmology of strongly coupled strings / P. Binetruy -- Cosmological aspects of heterotic M-theory / T. Barreiro and B. de Carlos -- Remarks of anomalous U(1) symmetries in string theory / H.P. Nilles -- Extra dimensions. Large extra space and time dimensions: some cosmological issues / G. Gabadadze -- Large radius generation and phase transitions with extra dimensions / K.R. Dienes [and others] -- Our world as an expanding shell / M. Gogberashvili -- Cosmological expansion in the Randall-Sundrum warped compactification / J.M. Cline -- Pre-big bang string cosmology and holography / J. Maharana.
This volume presents the newest results and developments in the fast-moving field of astroparticle physics. The following topics are covered: dark matter, baryogenesis, neutrino physics and astrophysics, inflation, topological defects, cosmic ray physics and cosmological implications of grand unification, supersymmetry, superstrings and extra dimensions.
Astrophysics, Congresses.
Cosmology, Congresses.
Particles (Nuclear physics), Congresses.
Astrophysique, Congrès.
Cosmologie, Congrès.
Particules (Physique nucléaire), Congrès.
Particles (Nuclear physics)
SCIENCE-- Cosmology.
SCI-- 015000
Cotti, U.
International Workshop on Particle Physics and the Early Universe(3rd :1999 :, Trieste, Italy)