Advances in multi-photon processes and spectroscopy ;
v. 19
Includes bibliographical references.
1. Dynamics of the vibrationally excited molecules and clusters studied by IR-UV and UV-IR double resonance spectroscopy / Takayuki Ebata -- 2. Dynamics of a liquid droplet excited by infrared multi-photon absorption / Akira Terasaki -- 3. Electron spectroscopy of molecules in intense laser fields / M. Okunishi, G. Prümper and K. Ueda -- 4. Selective bond breaking in dissociative ionization of ethanol induced by tailored intense laser fields / Ryuji Itakura, Kaoru Yamanouchi, and Fumihiko Kannari -- 5. Evolution of transient structures in solids and liquids by means of time resolved x-ray diffraction and x-ray absorption fine structure / Jie Chen and Peter M. Rentzepis -- 6. Photonic crystals : from innovation to applications / D. Gamra [and others] -- 7. Quantum computing and entanglement generation using intramolecular degrees of freedom / K. Mishima and K. Yamashita.
In view of the rapid growth in both experimental and theoretical studies of multi-photon processes and multi-photon spectroscopy of atoms, ions, and molecules in chemistry, physics, biology and materials science, it is timely to publish an advanced series that contains review papers readable not only by active researchers in these areas, but also by those who are non-experts but who wish to enter the field. This present volume attempts to serve this purpose. Each chapter is written in a self-contained manner by experts in their own area of expertise so that general readers can grasp the knowledge in that area without too much preparation.
Advances in multi-photon processes & spectroscopy v.19 / edited by S.H. Lin. A.A. Villaeys & Y. Fujimura.