New frontiers in regional science: Asian perspectives ;
volume 37
Includes bibliographical references.
Intro; Preface; References; Contents; Decentralization and Coordination (Japanese Experience); 1 Fiscal Competition, Municipal Consolidation, and Regional Coordination; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Ideal Fiscal Decentralization and Fiscal Competition; 1.3 Fiscal Competition and the Leviathan Hypothesis; 1.4 Municipal Consolidation; 1.4.1 Efficiency Hypothesis of Municipal Consolidation; 1.4.2 Decision Making of Municipal Consolidation; 1.4.3 Empirical Proposition of Incentives for Municipal Consolidation; 1.5 Regional Coordination; 1.5.1 Empirical Analysis of Regional Coordination
1.5.2 Empirical Proposition Regarding Regional Coordination1.6 Conclusion; References; 2 Coordinated State Capital Tax Reform in an Overlapping Generations Model; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 The Model; 2.3 State Optimal Policy Rule; 2.3.1 State Governments Consider Their Effects on Federal Revenue; 2.3.2 State Governments Ignore Their Effects on Federal Revenue; 2.4 Welfare Effects of a Coordinated Capital Tax Reform; 2.4.1 Coordinated Tax Reform When State Governments Consider Their Effects on Federal Revenue
4 Subsidy Competition Between Regions: An Extension to Cross-shareholding and Employment Concerns4.1 Introduction; 4.2 The Model; 4.3 Case 1: Firms' Shares are Held Across Regions; 4.3.1 The Third Stage; 4.3.2 The Second Stage; 4.3.3 The First Stage; 4.4 Case 2: Regional Governments Consider Regional Employment; 4.5 Concluding Remarks; References; 5 Neutrality of Intergovernmental Transfers; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 The Model; 5.3 Various Intergovernmental Transfer Schemes and Optimal Tax Rates; 5.3.1 Scheme 1. Optimal Federal-State and State-Local Transfers
This book introduces recent developments in both theoretical and empirical analyses of local public economics. Theories of those economics as well as empirical analyses have been developed dramatically in various directions in recent years. One direction has been to reflect real economic circumstances, especially in Japan. In the early 2000s, Japan experienced the so-called great merger (or consolidation) of municipalities in the Heisei era (1999 through the present), with the number of municipalities shrinking from 3,232 to 1,821 for increasing administrative and financial efficiency. This phenomenon is mainly due to a drastic change in demography in Japan: the dimishing birthrate and aging population. Following the consolidation, regional coordination has been undertaken to raise overall administrative and financial efficiency. In sum, various types of public policies for tackling the decreasing birthrate and aging population have been carried out. Urban sprawl and the timing of municipal mergers are dealt with from a broad point of view, and public child care services and tax competition are investigated from a policy standpoint. Another direction has been to incorporate new ideas for forming theoretical frameworks for local public finance, most of which have been based on static situations. In the recent trend toward globalization, local governments have attended not only to the welfare of residents but also to the interests of regional economic development. In addition, decision making by local governments has tended to be affected by political activities. Thus, the endogenous growth setting and lobbying activities for the activities of local governments are discussed in the book. With these new directions for analyses, the author tackles the topics of tax competition, cross-border shopping, local provision of public goods, and soft budgets, thus covering a broad range of aspects of local public finance.