Intro; Preface; Contents; Editors and Contributors; Acronyms; The Rise of Robotics amp AI: Technological Advances amp Normative Dilemmas; 1 Introduction; 2 The Evolution of Computer Science and Machine Processing; 3 The Rise of Robots; 4 The Birth amp Growth of AI; 5 Mapping the Organizational, Ethical amp Regulatory Dilemmas; 6 Chapters; References; Do We Need New Legal Personhood in the Age of Robots and AI?; 1 Introduction; 2 Legal Subjects as Responsible Actors; 3 What About AI and Robots; 4 The Essence of Legal Personhood; 5 The Physical Person as a (Natural) Legal Person
2.2 AI-Driven Investment, Start-Ups amp a New Market for Corporate Control2.3 AI Technologies amp Radical Uncertainty; 3 "Responsive"/"Smart"/"Dynamic" Regulation; 3.1 Regulatory Sandboxes; 3.2 An Empirical Test; 4 Innovation "Ecosystems"; 4.1 Replicating Silicon Valley; 4.2 Building the "Right Kind" of AI Ecosystem I: The EU Experience; 4.3 Building the "Right Kind" of AI Ecosystem II: The Role of "Incumbents"; 5 Conclusion; References; The Rise and Regulation of Drones: Are We Embracing Minority Report or WALL-E?; 1 Introduction; 2 The Rise of Drones; 2.1 Drone Use; 2.2 Drone Misuse
4 The Extra-contractual Liability of the Robot4.1 Robots and Agents; 4.2 Robots, Minors, and Other Persons Under Supervision; 4.3 Robots and Roman Slaves; 4.4 Robots and Animals; 4.5 Robots and Biology; 5 To Whom Liability Shall Fall; 6 Conclusion; References; Business and Regulatory Responses to Artificial Intelligence: Dynamic Regulation, Innovation Ecosystems and the Strategic Management of Disruptive Technology; 1 Introduction; 2 The "AI Challenge"; 2.1 AI-Technologies amp the Disruption of Existing Business Models
5.1 Natural and Human-like Behavior as Determination for Legal Personhood5.2 Non-natural (Artificial) Legal Persons; 6 The Autonomous Artificial Intelligent Robot; 6.1 The Increasing Use of AI in Robotic Entities; 7 The Question of Punishment of (Legal) Persons: A Criminal Law for Robots?; 8 A Different Construction of Personhood; 8.1 Abstraction of the Robot by the Cheshire Cat, Reasonable Human Creature and Resposible Subject Model; 8.2 AI Entities and Robots in the Theory of Naffine; 8.3 Conclusion Concerning the "Naffine" Analysis
9 The Artificial Intelligent Entity or Robot as Legal Actor9.1 Legal Subject or Legal Object Specialist?; 9.2 Liability and Legal Subjectivity; 9.3 Legal Acts; 10 Conclusion and Steps into the Future; References; The Peculiar Case of the Mushroom Picking Robot: Extra-contractual Liability in Robotics; 1 Introduction; 2 Delineating Artificial Intelligence and Robotics; 2.1 Artificial Intelligence Defined; 2.2 Robots Defined; 3 Exceptional Robots-Lessons from Cyberlaw; 3.1 Embodiment; 3.2 Emergence (Vs. Autonomy); 3.3 Social Valence; 3.4 An Exceptional Trio
Artificial intelligence and related technologies are changing both the law and the legal profession. In particular, technological advances in fields ranging from machine learning to more advanced robots, including sensors, virtual realities, algorithms, bots, drones, self-driving cars, and more sophisticated "human-like" robots are creating new and previously unimagined challenges for regulators. These advances also give rise to new opportunities for legal professionals to make efficiency gains in the delivery of legal services. With the exponential growth of such technologies, radical disruption seems likely to accelerate in the near future. This collection brings together a series of contributions by leading scholars in the newly emerging field of artificial intelligence, robotics, and the law. The aim of the book is to enrich legal debates on the social meaning and impact of this type of technology. The distinctive feature of the contributions presented in this edition is that they address the impact of these technological developments in a number of different fields of law and from the perspective of diverse jurisdictions. Moreover, the authors utilize insights from multiple related disciplines, in particular social theory and philosophy, in order to better understand and address the legal challenges created by AI. Therefore, the book will contribute to interdisciplinary debates on disruptive new AI technologies and the law.--
Springer Nature
Robotics, AI and the Future of Law.
Robotics, artificial intelligence and the future of law