Characteristic one : Purpose ignites the spirit -- She pushed the envelope of compassion : One mother's mass mailings from the heart / Linda Bremner, founder of Love Letters -- Mission on the March : A barefoot Ulysses and his incredible Odyssey / Legson Kayira, student -- Homes are where their hearts are : Trading a fortune for a hammer and a saw / Millard and Linda Fuller, founder and co-founder of Habitat for Humanity International -- Exercising her vision : In the world of fitness, she refused to think small / Sharyne Powell, entrpreneur, CEO of Women at Large Fitness Club -- Serious monkey business : A woman trains unlikely soliders in a war of independence / Mary Joan Willard, psychologist, founder of Helping Hands -- In their own words : Kemmons Wilson, entrepreneur, founder of Holiday Inns International -- Wayne Barton, police officer -- Your personal action plan :Igniting purpose in your spirit -- Characteristic two : Passion fuels inexhaustible energy -- Rising from the rubble : It would take a miracle-so he found one / Francisco Bucio, surgeon -- Inside every daydream was a hollywood script : Passion paved the way / Stephen Cannell, producer, writer, author -- She gave new shape to the shoe business : Then she added the soul / Sheri Poe, entrepreneur -- Dancing to the rhythms of her heart : An unfulfilled professional finds a bigger stage / Robyn Allan, corporate executive -- In their own words / Ken Kragen, personal manager and television producer ; Evelyn Glennie, solo percussionist -- Your personal action plan : Energizing your passion -- Characteristic three : Belief sustains the journey -- Road warriors of a different kind : The father, the son, and the fighting spirit / Dick and Rick Hoyt, athletes -- What you don't know won't hurt you : In fact, it can save your life / Pam Lontos, salesperson -- From zero to $15 million / Maria Elena Ibanez, entrepreneur, founder and CEO of International High Tech Marketing -- In their own words / George B. Dantzig, mathematics graduate student ; Olivia Goldsmith, author, the first wives club ; Suzan Robison, registered nurse -- Your personal action plan : Charting your journey to belief.
Shares the stories of those who overcame great odds or persevered to make their dreams come true while offering a seven-step plan for developing purpose, passion, belief, teams, creativity, and determination.