Advanced Battery System Modeling for Optimal Power Grid Integration
Taylor, Zachariah David
Mohsenian-Rad, Hamed
UC Riverside
UC Riverside
A battery energy storage systems (BESS) with power electronics capable of reactive power control can be used as a fully controllable 4-quadrant load/generator, and, when controlled intelligently, it can be used to help mitigate a myriad of distribution grid issues. The research goal in this thesis is to find the optimal way to practically model and use BESS as a distributed power resource in various situations. Each situation has brought its own set of real-world constraints such as battery capacity, efficiency, electrical billing, battery state of balance, and operational issues.Full scale and lab scale experiments were done to explore the operational issues in real hardware battery energy storage systems. In the full-scale results, a stochastic optimization-based framework is developed and implemented, to demonstrate conducting peak load reduction at a distribution feeder using customer owned batteries, under both offline and online control settings. Multiple experimental tests were performed by operating a 1 MWh / 200 kW battery at UCR's Center for Environmental Research