Bedside Ultrasonography as an Adjunct to Routine Evaluation of Acute Appendicitis in the Emergency Department
Lam, Samuel H.F.; Grippo, Anthony; Kerwin, Christopher; Konicki, P. John; Lambert, Michael J.; Goodwine, Diana
Introduction: Appendicitis is a common condition presenting to the emergency department (ED). Increasingly emergency physicians (EP) are using bedside ultrasound (BUS) as an adjunct diagnostic tool. Our objective is to investigate the test characteristics of BUS for the diagnosis of appendicitis and identify components of routine ED workup and BUS associated with the presence of appendicitis.
Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health
Lam, Samuel H.F.; Grippo, Anthony; Kerwin, Christopher; Konicki, P. John; Lambert, Michael J.; Goodwine, Diana