Erosion of Embolization Coils into the Renal Collecting System Mimicking Stone
Phan, Jason; Lall, Chandana; Moskowitz, Ross M; Clayman, Ralph V; Landman, Jaime
Urinary tract interventions can lead to multiple complications in the renal collecting system, includingretained foreign bodies from endourologic or percutaneous procedures, such as stents, nephrostomytubes, and others. We report a case of very delayed erosion of embolization coils migrating into therenal pelvis, acting as a nidus for stone formation, causing mild obstruction and finally leading to grosshematuria roughly 18 years post transarterial embolization. History is significant for a remoteunsuccessful endopyelotomy attempt that required an urgent embolization. [West J Emerg Med.2012;13(1):127-130.]
Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health
Phan, Jason; Lall, Chandana; Moskowitz, Ross M; Clayman, Ralph V; Landman, Jaime