Includes bibliographical references (pages 189-200) and indexes.
Introduction: The Poetics of Colonization; Part I. Narratives and Metaphors: Translating the City into Text; Part II. Texts in Context: Staging the City; Conclusion: Interpreting the Metaphors; Appendix; Bibliography; Index of Passages; Subject Index.
Tales of archaic Greek city foundations continue to be told and retold long after the colonies themselves were settled, and this book explores how the ancient Greeks constructed their memory of founding new cities overseas. Greek stories about colonizing Sicily or the Black Sea in the seventh century B.C.E. are no more transparent, no less culturally constructed than nineteenth-century British tales of empire in India or Africa; they are every bit as much about power, language, and cultural appropriation. This book brings anthropological and literary theory to bear on the narratives that later.