edited by John Pellitteri, Queens College, CUNY ; Robin Stern, The School at Columbia University ; Claudia Shelton, The Hopewell Group, LLC ; Barbara Muller-Ackerman, Parsippany Counseling Center
The emotional intelligence of school counseling / John Pellitteri, Robin Stern, Claudia Shelton, and Barbara Muller-Ackerman -- Practitioners' perspective on school counseling and emotional intelligence / Barbara Muller-Ackerman and Claudia Shelton -- Emotional intelligence: theory, measurement, and counseling implication / John Pellitteri -- The importance of self-awareness for school counselors / Robin Stern, Lauren Hyman, and Courtney E. Martin -- Infusing emotional learning into the school environment / Charles Fasano and John Pellitteri -- An elementary counseling program: nurturing social and emotional learning for life / Barbara Muller-Ackerman and Susan Stillman -- Middle school challenges: reflection, relationships, and responsibility / Claudia Shelton and Jennifer Allen -- Emotional networks and counseling the high school student / Michael T. Dealy and John Pellitteri -- Promoting social and emotional intelligence for students with special needs / Victoria A. Poedubicky, Linda Bruene Butler, and Joseph Sperlazza -- Collaborating with teachers on social emotional learning / Karen Mildener and Cristi Riccio Keane -- Emotionally intelligent school administrators: developing a positive school climate / / Kevin P. Brady -- Enhancing emotional intelligence in parents: the professional school counselor's role / Julaine Field and Jered Kolbert -- The use of music to facilitate emotional learning / John Pellitteri -- Integrating SEL and technology within the curriculum / Maurice J. Elias, Brian S. Friedlander, and Steven E. Tobias -- Social and emotional learning through comprehensive school counseling: a case study / Linda Bruene Butler, Victoria A. Poedubicky, and Joseph Sperlazza -- Emotionally smart school counselors: a school district's initiative to create emotionally intelligent schools / Sheila Brown, James Tobin, and Robin Stern -- A state mandate for social-emotional literacy: implications for school counselors / Maria McCabe, Toni Tollerud, and Jennifer Axelrod
Emotional Intelligence (EI) seems suited to the work of school counselors and school psychologists who deal with troubled and underperforming students. Showing how social emotional learning is important to individual students and to school climate, the book also shows school counselors how to expand their own emotional awareness and resiliency