Includes bibliographical references (pages 202-226) and index.
Enigma or hero? -- Why Cromwell's reputation matters : the record -- The cat's paw of history : Cromwell's reputation through time -- The self-made man risen from obscurity -- Swordsman -- Man of God -- The politician -- Statebuilder? -- Conclusion : Oliver Cromwell and the English Revolution.
The deep-rooted controversies that surround Oliver Cromwell make an examination of his reputation particularly fruitful. This text assesses Cromwell's life and achievements, his role in the English Revolution and his place in British history.
Cromwell, Oliver,1599-1658.
Cromwell, Oliver.
Cromwell, Oliver,1599-1658.
Cromwell, Oliver
Cromwell, Oliver,1599-1658.
Cromwell, Oliver.
Generals-- Great Britain, Biography.
Heads of state-- Great Britain, Biography.
Chefs d'État-- Grande-Bretagne-- Biographies.
Geschichte 1600-1660.
Heads of state.
Great Britain, History, Puritan Revolution, 1642-1660, Biography.
Grande-Bretagne, Histoire, 1649-1660 (Commonwealth et protectorat)