Market civilization and its clash with terror / Michael Mousseau -- Behind the curve : globalization and international terrorism / Audrey Kurth Cronin -- Motives for martyrdom : Al-Qaida, Salafi Jihad, and the spread of suicide attacks / Assaf Moghadam -- The strategies of terrorism / Andrew H. Kydd and Barbara F. Walter -- Why terrorism does not work / Max Abrahms -- Correspondence : does terrorism ever work? : the 2004 Madrid train bombings / William Rose and Rysia Murphy, Max Abrahms -- What terrorists really want : terrorist motives and counterterrorism strategy / Max Abrahms -- Correspondence : what makes terrorists tick / Erica Chenoweth, Nicholas Miller, and -- Elizabeth McClellan, Hillel Frisch, and Paul Staniland, Max Abrahms -- Deterring terrorism : it can be done / Robert F. Trager and Dessislava P. Zagorcheva -- Friends like these : counterinsurgency and the war on terrorism / Daniel L. Byman -- NATO's international security role in the terrorist era / Renée de Nevers -- Assessing the dangers of illicit networks : why Al-Qaida may be less dangerous than many think / Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni and Calvert Jones -- How Al-Qaida ends : the decline and demise of terrorist groups / Audrey Kurth Cronin.
"It is hard to be stimulating and instructive on a subject that has held as much attention as has terrorism for a decade and more. But the essays in this volume combine those characteristics for the benefit of students and experts alike. The reader will come away with valuable new insights and perspectives."--Philip B. Heymann, James Barr Ames Professor of Law, Harvard Law School, author of Terrorism, Freedom, and Security.
Since the attacks of September 11, 2001, scholars and policy analysts in national security have turned their attention to terrorism, considering not only how to prevent future attacks but also the roots of the problem. This book offers some of the latest research in terrorism studies. The contributors examine the sources of contemporary terrorism, discussing the impact of globalization, the influence of religious beliefs, and the increasing dissatisfaction felt by the world's powerless. They consider the strategies and motivations of terrorists, offering contending perspectives on whether or not terrorists can be said to achieve their goals; explore different responses to the threat of terrorism, discussing such topics as how the United States can work more effectively with its allies: and contemplate the future of al-Qaida, asking if its networked structure is an asset or a liability.
The essays in Contending with Terrorism address some of the central topics in the analysis of contemporary terrorism. They promise to guide future policy and inspire further research into one of the most important security issues of the twenty-first century.
This collection of compelling analyses of the causes of extremist violence, terrorist strategies, and concepts for countering terrorism will be of great value to both nonspecialists and students seeking incisive introductions to these vexing issues and to officials looking for creative policy options."--Stephen J. Flanagan, Henry A. Kissinger Chair in International Security, Center for Strategic and International Studies, co-editor of Strategic Challenges: America's Global Security Agenda. --Book Jacket.