Frontmatter -- Semantic Computing / Phillip C-y Sheu -- Semantic Analysis. What Computers Need to Know about Verbs / Susan Windisch Brown, Martha Palmer -- Content-Based Retrieval of Videos / Min Chen, Shu-ching Chen, Mei-ling Shyu -- A Semantic and Detection-Based Approach to Speech and Language Processing / Li Deng, Kuansan Wang, Rodrigo Capobianco Guido -- Link Analysis in Web Mining: Techniques and Applications / Prasanna Desikan, Colin DeLong, Jaideep Srivastava -- Conversational Thread Extraction and Topic Detection in Text-Based Chat / Paige Adams, Craig Martel -- Speaker Recognition and Diarization / Gerald Friedland, David van Leeuwen -- Machine Learning Methods for Ontology Mining / Nicola Fanizzi, Claudia D'Amato, Floriana Esposito -- Visual Ontology Construction and Concept Detection for Multimedia Indexing and Retrieval / Lyndon Kennedy, Shih-Fu Chang -- Process Mining and Description / Qi Wang, Phillip C-y Sheu -- Semantic Languages and Integration. Semantic Integration: The Hawkeye Approach / Jeff Heflin, Zhengxiang Pan -- Semantics of Software Modeling / Fernando Silva Parreiras, Steffen Staab, Jürgen Ebert, Jeff Z Pan, Krzysztof Miksa, Harald Kühn, Srdjan Zivkovic, Stefano Tinella, Uwe Assmann, Jakob Henriksson -- Semantic-Driven Component-Based Automated Code Snythesis / Jicheng Fu, Farokh B Bastani, I-ling Yen -- Semantic Web Services / Shu Wang, Qi Wang, Haitao Gong, Phillip C-y Sheu -- Semantic Applications. Knowledge Work / Aljoscha Burchardt, Iryna Gurevych, Max Mühlhauser -- Searching Videos in Visual Semantic Spaces / Eric Zavesky, Zhu Liu, Dave Gibbon, Behzad Shahraray -- Social and Expert Research in Online Communities / Florian Metze, Christian Bauckhage, Tansu Alpcan -- Phase Coherence in Conceptual Spaces for Conversational Agents / Giorgio Vassallo, Giovanni Pilato, Agnese Augello, Salvatore Gaglio -- Role of Semantics in Question Answering / Dan Moldovan, Marta Tatu, Christine Clark -- Developing and Using a National Cross-Domain Semantic Web Infrastructure / Eero Hyv̲nen -- Semantic Analysis for Multimedia Security Application / Fadi Almasalha, Faisal Bashir, Ashfaq Khokhar, Farrukh Khan, Hammad Haseeb, Arif Ghafoor -- Semantic Interface. Semantic Languages for Software Engineering / Shu Wang, Fei Xie, Phillip C-y Sheu -- From Semantic Objects to Structured Natural Language / Phillip C-y Sheu, Atsushi Kitazawa, Chihiro Ishii, Kenichi Kaneko, Fei Xie -- Index.
As readers progress through the book, they'll learn not only the underlying science, but also the fundamental technological building blocks of semantic computing. Moreover, they'll discover a variety of cross-disciplinary solutions to current computing and communication problems. Throughout the book, references to the primary literature enable further investigation of each individual topic.
Semantic Computing is ideal for industrial managers, researchers, and engineers seeking to design the next generation of computing systems in order to better meet user needs. It is also recommended as a textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate-level semantic computing courses. --Book Jacket.
Semantic computing, a rapidly evolving interdisciplinary field, seeks to structure, design, and manipulate computer content to better satisfy the needs and intentions of users and create a more meaningful user experience. This remarkable contributed work examines the art, engineering, technology, and applications of the field. Moreover, it brings together researchers from such disciplines as natural language processing, software engineering, multimedia semantics, semantic Web, signal processing, and pattern recognition in order to provide a single source that presents the state of the technology and points to new breakthroughs on the horizon.