Introduction : research in primary art education / Steve Herne, Sue Cox, and Robert Watts -- Art in the primary school: towards first principles / Geoffrey Southworth -- Art and the pre-adolescent kid: applying Witkin's theory of subject-reflexive action / Frank Dobson and David Jackson -- Marion Richardson / Bruce Holdsworth -- An analysis of the presentation of art in the British primary school curriculum and its implications on teaching / Jenny Hallam, Helen Lee, and Mani Das Gupta -- In search of a curriculum model for primary schools / Gillian Figg -- Compatibility; incompatibility? Froebelian principles and the art curriculum / Margaret Payne -- Breadth and balance? The impact of the national literacy and numeracy strategies on art in the primary school / Steve Herne -- Changing views of childhood and their effects on continuity in the teaching of drawing / Shelia Paine -- How children use drawing / Dennis Atkinson -- Teaching children to draw in the infants school / Maureen Cox, Grant Cooke, and Deirdre Griffin -- Conversations around young children's drawing : the impact of the beliefs of significant others at home and school / Angela Anning -- Intention and meaning in young children's drawing / Sue Cox -- Originalities and originals, copies and reproductions : reflections on a primary school project / Anthony Dyson -- Art learning in developmental perspective / Norman Freeman -- Teaching now with the living : a dialogue with teachers investigating contemporary art practices / Tara Page [and others] -- 5x5x5 = creativity in the early years / Mary Fawcett and Penny Hay -- Tuition or intuition? Making sketchbooks with a group of ten-year-old children / Gillian Robinson -- An art enrichment project for eight to ten-year-olds in the ordinary classroom / Angela Martin -- Electronic paint : understanding children's representation through their interactions with digital print / John Matthews and Peter Seow -- Attitudes to making art in the primary school / Robert Watts -- Room 13 : one artist, 11 years, one school / Anna Harding.
With approximately 16,000 students beginning primary teacher education in the UK each year, and each of those being expected to teach art and design, this pioneering volume provides a renewed emphasis on ideas, issues and research in art and design education in the primary and early years phases. It gathers together work from internationally recognised authors, providing a critical framework to underpin current and developing practice in primary art and design education in the UK and worldwide. Through in-depth exploration of debates that have taken place worldwide amongst art educators, it pro.
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Readings in primary art education.
Art-- Study and teaching (Primary)-- Great Britain.