Global environmental change and human security: an introduction / Jon Barnett, Richard A. Matthew, and Karen L. O'Brien -- Human security, vulnerability, and global environmental change / Mike Brklacich, May Chazan, and Hans-Georg Bohle -- Global health and human security: addressing impacts from globalization and environmental change / Bryan McDonald -- The vulnerability of urban slum dwellers to global environmental change / Laura Little and Chris Cocklin -- Environmental change, disasters, and vulnerability: the case of Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans / Victoria Basolo -- Environmental change, human security, and violent conflict / Jon Barnett and W. Neil Adger -- Environmental change and human security in Nepal / Richard A. Matthew and Bishnu Raj Upreti -- Global environmental change, equity, and human security / Karen L. O'Brien and Robin M. Leichenko -- Approaches to enhancing human security / Marvin S. Soroos -- Rethinking the role of population in human security / Betsy Hartmann -- Women, global environmental change, and human security / Heather Goldsworthy -- Human security as a prerequisite for development / Kwasi Nsiah-Gyabaah -- Free to squander? Democracy and sustainable development, 1975-2000 / Indra de Soysa, Jennifer Bailey, and Eric Neumayer -- Environmental transborder cooperation in Latin America: challenges to the Westphalia order / Alexander Lopez -- Charting the next generation of global environmental change and human security research / Jon Barnett, Richard A. Matthew, and Karen L. O'Brien.
Experts discuss the risks global environmental change poses for the human security, including disaster and disease, violence, and increasing inequity.