Includes bibliographical references (pages 126-137) and index.
Chapter 1 Background to the phenomenon: definitions and explanations -- chapter 2 From crime to conviction -- chapter 3 Sentencing: just deserts and public protection -- chapter 4 Sex offenders and probation: a challenge ducked? -- chapter 5 A prison within a prison -- chapter 6 Treatment in prison: order out of chaos -- chapter 7 Conclusion: doubts and difficulties.
Sexual crime is a topic of massive public concern. Yet the debate over its causes and the appropriate responses of the criminal justice system is often fuelled by ignorance and prejudice, with little understanding of the reality of sexual crime. Acts of Abuse explores the response of the criminal justice system to this important issue. Its author, Adam Sampson, examines the existing research about the causes of rape and child abuse, the number of offences being committed, and the policy of the courts. He then examines in detail the responses of the probation service and the prison.
Acts of abuse.
Criminal justice, Administration of-- Great Britain.