1. What do we know and what do we need to know about partner stalking? -- 2. Women's perceptions of partner stalking -- 3. Partner stalking and previous victimization -- 4. The health and mental health costs of partner stalking -- 5. Partner stalking and co--occurring problems -- 6. Partner stalking and coping responses -- 7. Partner stalking and the justice system response -- 8. Conclusion and implications : are there answers for stalking victims? -- Appendix. Study methods and ethical considerations.
It is estimated that a quarter of all women will be stalked in their lifetime. Stalkers put their victims in danger of losing their jobs, their support system, even their lives; and subject them to dangerously high levels of fear and stress. This book examines the multiple aspects of partner stalking from the victim's perspective. Female survivors share their personal stories of partner stalking, and the authors provide an extensive look at the latest stalking research providing readers with the new most relevant implications for practice and future research. The book informs students, profess.
Partner stalking.
Abused women.
Stalking victims.
Wife abuse.
Women-- Crimes against.
Battered Women-- psychology.
Crime Victims-- psychology.
Domestic Violence-- prevention & control.
Obsessive Behavior-- prevention & control.
Spouse Abuse-- prevention & control.
Abused women.
FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS-- Abuse-- Domestic Partner Abuse.