recent advances : keynote addresses and invited papers to a conference held at Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University of London, 8-10 April 1986 /
edited by Andrew C. Scott.
Boston :
Published for the Geological Society by Blackwell Scientific Publications,
Papers presented at the International Symposium on Coal and Coal-Bearing Strata.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Coal and coal-bearing strata: recent advances and future prospects / A.C. Scott -- Ecological and hydrological aspects of peat formation / P.D. Moore -- Rainwater-fed peat as a precursor of coal / R.S. Clymo -- Coal, climate and terrestrial productivity: the present and Early Cretaceous compared / A.M. Ziegler, A.L. Raymond, T.C. Gierlowski, M.A. Horrell, D.B. Rowley & A.L. Lottes -- Facies studies of coal and coal-bearing strata / P.J. McCabe -- Implications of vegetational change through the geological record on models for coal-forming environments / M.E. Collinson & A.C. Scott -- Sulphur in peat and coal / D.J. Casagrande -- Interpreting the characteristics of coal seams from chemical, physical and petrographic studies of peat deposits / A.D. Cohen, W. Spackman & R. Raymond -- Recent advances in coalification studies and their application to geology / M. Teichmüller -- Mineral matter in coals, with special reference to the Pennine coalfields / D.A. Spears -- Lycopod succession in coals: an example from the Low Barnsley Seam (Westphalian B), Yorkshire, England / K.M. Bartram -- Genesis of the Warwickshire Thick Coal: a group of long-residence histosols / I.M. Fulton --Gondwana coal basins of Australia and Africa: tectonic setting, depositional systems and resources / D.K. Hobday -- Coal geology and exploration of part of the Tertiary Kutei Basin in East Kalimantan, Indonesia / D.H. Land & C.M. Jones -- Recent advances in organic petrology and organic geochemistry: an overview with some reference to 'oil from coal' / D.G. Murchison -- Oil-prone coals of the Walloon Coal Measures (Jurassic), Surat Basin, Australia / G.K. Khorasani.
Coal and coal-bearing strata.
Coal-- Geology, Congresses.
Charbon-- Géologie-- Congrès.
Coal-- Geology.
Scott, Andrew C.
Geological Society of London.
International Symposium on Coal and Coal-Bearing Strata(1986 :, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University of London)