1. Basic principles -- 2. Acoustics and acoustic devices -- 3. Recording and reproduction -- 4. Digital equipment -- 5. Studios and their facilities -- 6. Distribution of audio signals -- 7. Miscellaneous topics.
The Audio Engineer's Reference Book is an authoritative volume on all aspects of audio engineering and technology including basic mathematics and formulae, acoustics and psychoacoustics, microphones, loudspeakers and studio installations. The content is concise and accurate, providing quick and easy access to everything you will need to know, from basic formulae to practical explanations and operational detail.Compiled by an international team of experts, this second edition has been updated to keep abreast of fast-moving areas such as digital audi.
Safari Books Online
Audio engineer's reference book.
Acoustical engineering.
Sound-- Recording and reproducing-- Equipment and supplies, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Acoustical engineering.
Sound-- Recording and reproducing-- Equipment and supplies.