I: SHAPE AND FORM IN ENGINEERING AND NATURE -- Flapping-wing aerohydromechanics in nature and engineering / K.D. Jones & M.F. Platzer -- A graphic way for notch shape optimization / C. Mattheck, J.S. Brensen & K. Bethge -- An inquiry into the morphology of Ciliate Protozoa using an engineering design approach / E.L. Benjamin, M.W. Collins & D. McL. Roberts -- The optimized shape of a leaf petiole / D. Pasini & V. Mirjalili -- II: NATURE AND ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN -- Sculpture house in Belgium by Jacques Gillet / S. Van de Voorde. R. De Meyer, E. De Kooning, L. Taerwe & R. Van De Walle -- Analysis of the 'Cappadocian cave house' in Turkey as the historical aspect of the usage of nature as a basis of design / P. Yildiz -- Build trees / M. Despang -- Thermal performance of a dome-covered house / Y. Lin & R. Zmeureanu -- Biodegradable building / P. Sassi.
III: BIOMIMETICS -- Self-healing processes in nature and engineering: self-repairing biomimetic membranes for pneumatic structures / T. Speck, R. Luchsinger, S. Busch, M. Rilggeberg & O. Speck -- Functional information and entropy in living systems / A.C. McIntosh -- Biomimetics of spider silk spinning process / G. De Luca & A.D. Rey -- The preparation of biomimetic nano-Al2O3 surface modification materials on gray cast iron surface / Y. Liu, L.Q. Ren, Z.W. Han & S.R. Yu -- Biomimetics: extending nature's design of thin-wall shells with cellular cores / M.A. Dawson & L.J. Gibson -- Designing new lubricant additives using biomimetics / A. Morina, T. Liskiewicz & A. Neville -- Preparation, microstructure and properties of biomimetic nanocomposite coating / L.Q. Ren, Y. Liu, S.R. Yu, Z.W. Han & H.X. Hu -- Vision assistant: a human-computer interface based on adaptive eye-tracking / V. Hardzeyeu, F. Klefenz & P. Schikowski.
IV: NATURAL MATERIALS ENGINEERING -- Structural and torsional properties of the Trachycarpus fortunei palm petiole / A.G. Windsor-Collins, M.A. Atherton, M.W. Collins & D.F. Cutler -- A model for adaptive design / T Willey -- Reinforcement ropes against shear in leaves / C. Mattheck, A. Sauer & R. Kappel -- Experimental investigation of moist-air transport through natural materials porous media / I. Conte & X Peng -- Simulation of perspiration in sweating fabric manikin-Walter / J. Fan -- V: BIOENGINEERING -- State of the art of solid freeform fabrication for soft and hard tissue engineering / P.J.S. Bartolo -- Using Murray's law to design artificial vascular microfluidic networks / R.W. Barber, K. Cieslicki & D.R. Emerson -- Biomimetic robots for robust operation in unstructured environments / S.R. Gajjar -- VI: SOLUTIONS FROM NATURE -- Animal analogies for developing design thinking / C. Dowlen -- Development of a novel flapping mechanism with adjustable wing kinematics for micro air vehicles / A.T. Conn, S.C. Burgess & R.A. Hyde.
VII: SUSTAINABILITY STUDIES -- Bionics vs. biomimicry: from control of nature to sustainable participation in nature / D.C. Wahl -- Active and adaptive sustainable environments for children's outdoor space / M. Winkler & S. Macaulay -- The creation of an eco-tourism site: a case study of Pulau Singa Besar / A. Abdullah, A.M. Abdul Rahman, A. Bahauddin & B. Mohamed -- VIII: EDUCATION AND TRAINING -- Development and experience with a technical elective course "fluid flows in nature" / J.A. Schetz -- New educational tools and curriculum enhancements for motivating engineering students to design and realize bio-inspired products / H.A. Bruck, A.L. Gershon, I. Golden, S.K. Gupta, L.S. Gyger Jr., E.B. Magrab & B.W. Spranklin.
Design, Congresses.
Engineering design, Congresses.
Nature, Congresses.
Conception technique, Congrès.
Design, Congrès.
Nature, Congrès.
Engineering design.
Brebbia, C. A.
International Conference on Design and Nature(3rd :, 2006)