Abridgement of: Harrison's principles of internal medicine / editors, Anthony S. Fauci [and others]. 17th ed. c2008.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Sect. 1: Care of the hospitalized patient -- Sect. 2: Medical emergencies -- Sect. 3: Common patient presentations -- Sect. 4: Ophthalmology and otolaryngology -- Sect. 5: Dermatology -- Sect. 6: Hematology and oncology -- Sect. 7: Infectious diseases -- Sect. 8: Cardiology -- Sect. 9: Pulmonology -- Sect. 10: Nephrology -- Sect. 11: Gastroenterology -- Sect. 12: Allergy, clinical immunology and rheumatology -- Sect. 13: Endocrinology and metabolism -- Sect. 14: Neurology -- Sect. 15: Psychiatry and substance abuse -- Sect. 16: Disease prevention and health maintenance -- Sect. 17: Adverse drug reactions -- Sect. 18: Laboratory values.
Fauci et al. provide a condensed version of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine to present the key features of the diagnosis, clinical manifestation, and treatment of major diseases likely to be encountered in internal medicine, from medical emergencies to common presentations and conditions affecting all body systems. This edition is in full-color and has been updated to reflect advances and new clinical developments. It has new chapters on end-of-life care, spinal cord compression, tremor and movement disorders, generalized fatigue, noninvasive examination of the heart, congenital heart disease in the adult, sleep apnea, cardiovascular disease prevention, and smoking cessation.