Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgments; Figures and Tables; 1. Introduction; 2. The Love Trauma Syndrome; 3. Why Are Love Traumas So Traumatic?; 4. When Depression Complicates Love Trauma Syndrome; 5. The Varieties of Human Love Trauma Response; 6. Looking For Relief in All the Wrong Places; 7. When Love Trauma Syndrome Turnes Violent; 8. Self-Help Stratiges for Overcoming Love Trauma Syndrome; 9. Professional Antidotes to the Pain of Love Trauma Syndrome; 10. Beware These Inconstant Lovers; 11. Making Peace; 12. Concluding Thoughts; Endnotes; Bibliography; Index.
A guide to healing the emotional scars that result from a break in a close relationship.
Love Trauma Syndrome : Free Yourself from the Pain of a Broken Heart.