The past, present and future of human nature / Samuel Gorovitz -- Unethical contexts for ethical questions / David Ehrenfeld -- Human subject protections: some thoughts on costs and benefits in the humanistic disciplines / C. Kristina Gunsalus -- Secret state experiments and medical ethics / Jonathan Moreno -- Cross-cultural considerations in medical ethics: the case of human subjects research / Marcia Angell -- Reproductive rights and health in the developing world / Ruth Macklin -- Genetic testing of human embryos: ethical challenges and policy choices / Kathy Hudson, Susannah Baruch & Gail Javitt -- Choosing our children: the uneasy alliance of law and ethics in John Robertson's thought / Karen Lebacqz -- The heart disease epidemic that wasn't: lessons learned from death certificate statistics / Harry M. Rosenberg -- Recent history of end-of-life care and implications for the future / James Flory & Ezekiel Emanuel -- The pragmatic power and promise of theoretical environmental ethics: forging a new discourse / J. Baird Callicott -- The expanding circle and moral community -- naturally speaking / Chalmers Clark -- Science, conservation and global security / George M. Woodwell -- Energy, technology and climate: running out of gas / David Goodstein.
What are the resources and needs, the strengths and the vulnerabilities of patients, of society, or of nature? How do we evaluate the societal potential of scientific discovery?It is fairly well assured that we are influencing the terms of existence of many inhabitants of this planet, from flora to fauna to humans. Moreover, history has shown that while technologies can be used neutrally, they can be (and have been) used to the great benefit - or the great detriment - of human life and the fate of the world as a whole. How various types of knowledge and technological ability will be deployed i.