From subsistence to exchange -- Disregard of reality -- The land and the people -- Population explosion: disaster or blessing -- Foreign aid: abiding issues -- Western guilt and third world poverty -- The liberal death wish -- Ecclesiastical economics: envy legitimized -- Hong Kong -- Effective influence on opinion: The Shenoy Memorial Lecture -- Class on the brain -- Egalitarianism: a delicate dilemma.
Peter Bauer, a pioneer of development economics, is an incisive thinker whose work continues to influence fields from political science to history to anthropology. As Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen writes in the introduction to this book, "the originality, force, and extensive bearing of his writings have been quite astonishing." This collection of Bauer's essays reveals the full power and range of his thought as well as the central concern that underlies so much of his diverse work: the impact of people's conduct, their cultural institutions, and the policies of their governments on economic prog.
From subsistence to exchange and other essays.
Economic development.
Développement économique.
Économie politique.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Development-- Business Development.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Development-- Economic Development.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Development-- General.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Government & Business.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Structural Adjustment.
Economic development.
Economische ontwikkeling.
Internationale handel.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Public Policy-- Economic Policy.