Introduction: Evolving webs in network economies / Timothy J. Rowley and Joel A.C. Baum -- Part I: Small worlds and complex systems -- The rise of ecommerce as an epidemic in the small world of venture capital / Gordon Walker -- Ownership and control: A small-world analysis / Martin J. Conyon and Mark R. Muldoon -- Evolutionary dynamics of inter-firm networks: A complex systems perspective / Giovanni Battista Dagnino, Gabriella Levanti and Arabella Mocciaro Li Destri -- Part II: Network change -- The role of dyadic multi-dimensionality in the evolution of strategic network ties / Julie M. Hite -- The structural evolution of multiplex organizational networks: Research and commerce in biotechnology / Terry L. Amburgey, Andreas Al-Laham, Danny Tzabbar and Barak Aharonson -- Industry consolidation and network evoluition in U.S. global banking, 1986-2004 / Eric J. Neuman, Gerald F. Davis and Mark S. Mizruchi -- Actor utilities, strategic action and network evolution / Patrick Doreian -- Part III: Network postition and performance -- Contradictory or compatible? Reconsidering the "trade-off" between brokerage and closure on knowledge sharing / Ray Reagans and Bill McEvily -- Industry performance and indirect access to structural holes / Ronald S. Burt -- The mobilization of scarce resources / Bjørn Løvås and Olav Sorenson -- Interconnect to win: The joing effects of business strategy and network positions on the performance of software firms / N. Venkatraman, Chi-Hyon Lee and Bala Iyer -- Part IV: Endogeneity and embeddedness -- If the alliance fits ... : Innovation and network dynamics / Robin Cowan and Nicholas Jonard -- Bringing the firm back in: Networking as antecendent to network structure / Ravi Madhavan, Turanay Caner, John Prescott and Balaji Koka -- The gloomy side of embeddedness: The effects of overembeddedness on inter-firm partnership formation / John Hagedoorn and Hans T.W. Frankort -- Imitative behavior: Network antecedents and performance consequences / Giuseppe Soda, Akbar Zaheer and Alessandra Carlone -- Part V: Network Navigation -- Who's the new kid? The process of developing centrality in venture capitalist deal networks / Bret R. Fund, Timothy G. Pollock, Ted Baker and Adam J. Wowak -- Network horizon: An information-based view on the dynamics of bridging positions / Diederik W. van Liere, Otto R. Koppius and Peter H.M. Vervest -- The dynamics of network strategies and positions / Timothy J. Rowley and Joel A.C. Baum.
Research at the intersection of social networks and strategic management identifies a range of performance-enhancing network position advantages - access to partners, information, innovation, and resources - that are distributed differentially across network positions. While research indicates how network positions can be used to advantage, it says little about how these positions are established, sustained, and destroyed, and so we know little about the role of actors' strategic goals and self-interests in shaping network structures. Volume 25 of Advances in Strategic Management aims to inspire a shift from discussions of network effects to network processes. Each chapter contributes to the crafting of a more dynamic view that increases our understanding of the origins, evolution and decay of network structures, positions and their associated advantages.