Front Cover; Advances in Parasitology, Volume 14; Copyright Page; Contents; Contributors to Volume 14; Preface; Chapter 1. Conception and Terminology of Hosts in Parasitology; I. Introduction; II. Common Host Concept in Ecology and Parasitology; III. Ecological and Epidemiological Aspects Relating to the Host Concept in Parasitology; IV. Hosts as Categories of Suitability for Certain Parasites; V. Host Categories of the Parasite Life-cycle; VI. Conclusions; References; Chapter 2. Host-Parasite Relationships in the Alimentary Tract of Domestic Birds; I. Introduction.
II. Aspects of the Nutrition of Domestic BirdsIII. The Alimentary Tract of Domestic Birds as a Habitat for Parasites; IV. The Alimentary Tract of Germ-free Domestic Birds; V. The Observed Distribution of Parasites in the Alimentary Tract of Domestic Birds; VI. Relationships between the Infective Stages of Parasites and Digestive Physiology; VII. Further Relationships between Parasites and the Digestive Physiology and Nutrition of Domestic Birds; VIII. Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References; Chapter 3. Nematode Sense Organs; I. Introduction; II. Cephalic Sense Organs.
III. Cervical Sense OrgansIV. Caudal Sense Organs; V. Non-regional Sense Organs; VI. Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References; Chapter 4. Physiological Aspects of Reproduction in Nematodes; I. Introduction; II. Range of Reproductive Phenomena; III. The Reproductive System; IV. The Male Gamete; V. The Female Gamete; VI. The Physiology of Fertilization; VII. Development; VIII. Sex Differentiation; IX. Nutrition and Other Factors in Egg Production; X. Behavioural Aspects of Reproduction; XI. Reproductive Phenomena and Parasitism; XII. Summary; Acknowledgements; References.
Part 1. SHORT REVIEWS Supplementing Contributions of Previous VolumesChapter 5. The Epidemiology and Control of some Nematode Infections in Grazing Animals; I. Introduction; II. Methods of Investigation; III. Free-living Stages; IV. Parasitic Stages; V. Parasitic Gastro-enteritis in Sheep; VI. Parasitic Gastro-enteritis in Cattle; VII. Parasitic Bronchitis in Cattle; VIII. Opinions on the Control of Nematodes; References; Chapter 6. The Immunology of Schistosomiasis; I. Introduction; II. Innate Immunity; III. Acquired Immunity; IV. Parasite Antigens; V. The Schistosome Granuloma.
VI. ConclusionsReferences; Author Index; Subject Index.