Introduction : Learning from Polanyi 1 / Keith Hart and Chris Hann -- Necessity or contingency : mutuality and market / Stephen Gudeman -- The great transformation of embeddedness : Karl Polanyi and the new economic sociology / Jens Beckert -- The critique of the economic point of view : Karl Polanyi and the Durkheimians / Philippe Steiner -- Towards an alternative economy : reconsidering the market, money and value / Jean-Michel Servet -- Money in the making of world society / Keith Hart -- Debt, violence and impersonal markets : Polanyian meditations / David Graeber -- Whatever happened to householding? / Chris Gregory -- Contesting The Great Transformation : work in comparative perspective / Gerd Spittler -- 'Sociological Marxism' in Central India : Polanyi, Gramsci and the case of the unions / Jonathan Parry -- Composites, fictions and risk : towards an ethnography of price / Jane I. Guyer -- Illusions of freedom : Polanyi and the third sector / Catherine Alexander -- Market and economy in environmental conservation in Jamaica / James G. Carrier -- Embedded socialism? Land, labour and money in eastern Xinjiang / Chris Hann -- Afterword : Learning from Polanyi 2 / Don Robotham.
Karl Polanyi's 1944 book, 'The Great Transformation', offered a radical critique of how the market system has affected society and humanity since the industrial revolution. This volume brings together contributions from scholars in economic anthropology, sociology and political economy to consider Polanyi's theories in light of circumstances today.
Market and society.
Polanyi, Karl,1886-1964.
Polanyi, Karl, 1886-1964
Polanyi, Karl,1886-1964
Polanyi, Karl., Great transformation.
Markets-- Social aspects-- History.
Social history.
Markets-- Social aspects.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Public Policy-- Cultural Policy.