Front Cover; Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics, Volume XIII; Copyright Page; Contents; Contributors to Volume XIII; Preface; Chapter 1. Inelastic Collisions between Atomic Systems; I. Introduction; II. Classification of Collisions; III. Experimental Methods of Study of Inelastic Collisions; IV. Collision Cross Sections-The Determining Factors; Acknowledgments; List of Symbols; References; Chapter 2. Field Ionization and Field Ion Microscopy; I . Introduction; II. Field Ionization of Free Atoms; III. Field Ionization near a Metal Surface; IV. Field Ion Emission from a Metal Surface
II. General Structure of the MicroanalyzerIII. The Fundamentals of Quantitative Analysis by X-Ray Emission; IV. The Contribution of Microanalysis to Scientific Research; References; Chapter 5. Television Camera Tubes: A Research Review; I. Introduction; II. Television Pickup with Nonstorage Devices; III. The Concept of Storage; IV. The Image Orthicon; V. Camera Tubes Based on Photoconductivity; VI. Electron Optical Considerations in Camera Tubes; VII. Signal-to-Noise Considerations in Camera Tubes; VIII. Image Intensifier Camera Tubes
IX. The Search for More Efficient Methods of Video Signal GenerationX. Camera Tubes for Special Applications; XI. Fundamental Limitations on Camera Tube Performance; XII. Image Pickup Devices of the Future; References; Author Index; Subject Index
V. Field Ion MicroscopyAcknowledgments; References; Chapter 3. Velocity Dbtribution in Electron Streams; I. Introduction; II. General Considerations; III. Probability Considerations; IV. Velocity Distribution of the Electrons Emitted by a Thermionic Cathode; V. Velocity Distribution in Plane Systems; VI. Velocity Distribution in Cylindrical Systems; VII. Velocity Distribution in the Presence of a Magnetic Field; VIII. Experimental Support for the Theoretical Results; Acknowledgments; References; Chapter 4. Electron Probe Microanalysis; I. Introduction
Advances in electronics and electron physics. Volume XIII.