Includes bibliographical references (pages 407-410) and index.
Commentary (1928) / Havelock Ellis -- "A book that must be suppressed" (1928) / James Douglas -- Judgment (1928) / Chartres Biron -- A selection of early reviews -- "Radclyffe Hall" (1975) / Jane Rule -- "The mythic mannish lesbian: Radclyffe Hall and the new woman" (1989) / Esther Newston -- "Perverse desire": the lure of the mannish lesbian" (1991) / Teresa de Lauretis -- "Some primitive thing conceived in a turbulent age of transition": the transsexual emerging from The well / Jay Prosser -- "A writer of misfits": "John" Radclyffe Hall and the discourse of inversion / Judith Halberstam -- "The outcast of one age is the hero of another": Radclyffe Hall, Edward Carpenter and the intermediate sex / Laura Doan -- "All my life I've been waiting for something": theorizing femme narrative in The well of loneliness / Clare Hemmings -- The well of shame / Sally R. Munt -- The well of loneliness as war novel / Susan Kingsley Kent -- War wounds: the nation, shell shock, and psychoanalysis in the well of loneliness / Jodie Medd -- Of trees and polities, wars and wounds / Trevor Hope -- "I want to cross over into camp ground": race and inversion in The well of loneliness / Jean Walton -- "Something primitive and age-old as nature herself": lesbian sexuality and the permission of the exotic / Sarah E. Chinn -- Once more unto the breach: The well of loneliness and the spaces of inversion / Victoria Rosner -- Great cities: Radclyffe Hall at the Chicago School / Julie Abraham -- Well meaning: pragmatism, lesbianism, and the U.S. obscenity trial / Kim Emery -- Writing by the light of the well: Radclyffe hall and the lesbian modernists / Joanne Winning.