Preface Acknowledgements Introduction: Climbing the Foothills of Understanding: An Intellectual Autobiography PART I: IN DIALOGUE WITH CONTEMPORARY PHILOSOPHERS The Epistemological Challenge of Religious Pluralism Responses and Discussion Ineffability: Response to William Rowe and Christopher Insole Religious Pluralism and the Divine: Response to Paul Eddy Transcendence and Truth: Response to D.Z. Phillips PART II: IN DIALOGUE WITH EVANGELICALS Religious Pluralism for Evangelicals Response by Clark Pinnock PART III: IN DIALOGUE WITH CATHOLICS Cardinal Ratzinger on Religious Pluralism Response to Cardinal Ratzinger The Latest Vatican Statement on Religious Pluralism The Possibility of Religious Pluralism: A Response to Gavin D'Costa PART IV: IN DIALOGUE WITH THEOLOGIANS The Theological Challenge of Other World Religions Is Christianity the Only True Religion? Paul Knitter on the Person of Christ Response by Paul Knitter Index.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Preface Acknowledgements Introduction: Climbing the Foothills of Understanding: An Intellectual Autobiography PART I: IN DIALOGUE WITH CONTEMPORARY PHILOSOPHERS The Epistemological Challenge of Religious Pluralism Responses and Discussion Ineffability: Response to William Rowe and Christopher Insole Religious Pluralism and the Divine: Response to Paul Eddy Transcendence and Truth: Response to D.Z. Phillips PART II: IN DIALOGUE WITH EVANGELICALS Religious Pluralism for Evangelicals Response by Clark Pinnock PART III: IN DIALOGUE WITH CATHOLICS Cardinal Ratzinger on Religious Pluralism Response to Cardinal Ratzinger The Latest Vatican Statement on Religious Pluralism The Possibility of Religious Pluralism: A Response to Gavin D'Costa PART IV: IN DIALOGUE WITH THEOLOGIANS The Theological Challenge of Other World Religions Is Christianity the Only True Religion? Paul Knitter on the Person of Christ Response by Paul Knitter Index.
"What this book offers is a lived philosophy ... [It] should (and I would go so far as to say must) become required reading for students in the philosophy of religion."--Religion and Theology 'This is an excellent book that I shall be using with my students and would recommend to all concerned with questions of religious pluralism, especially Christian responses to the world religions.' - Gavin D'Costa, Arsdisputandi 'This readable collection of papers provides an enlightening exposition of John Hick's latest thought and of his theological pilgrimage to it.' - Theology.