Chapter 6: Extratropical Storms: -- Tornadoes and global warming -- Graph: U S Tornado Frequency, 1950-2007 -- Northward storm track -- Superstorms -- Sidebar: Enhanced Fujita Scale -- Stormy future -- Notes -- Chapter 7: Seasonal Variability: -- Global warming and seasonal variation -- Foliation: a key indicator of seasonal variation -- Graph: Northern hemisphere spring first-leaf date -- Seasonal monsoon -- El Nino -- Sidebar: Real danger: a stronger La Nina -- Notes -- Chapter 8: Conclusion: -- Glossary -- For further research -- Index -- About the author.
Preface -- Foreword -- Chapter 1: Global Climate Change And Extreme Weather: An Introduction: -- Air and water chemistry -- Components of earth's climate -- Solar radiation and global climate -- Milankovitch cycles and global climate -- Ice Ages -- Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age -- Measuring carbon dioxide -- Graph: Atmospheric CO2 at Mauna Loa Observatory, 1958-2009 -- Anthropogenic climate change -- Climate Extremes Index -- 2008-an exception to the trend? -- Sidebar: Climatologists battle: Kerry Emanuel versus Bill Gray -- Extreme weather: future impact -- Notes -- Chapter 2: Heat Waves: -- Rising temperatures -- Graph: Weather fatalities -- Heat wave in Europe -- Warming future -- Sidebar: Hot gets hotter -- Notes -- Chapter 3: Drought: -- Dust Bowl -- Graph: Palmer Drought Severity Index -- Drought in the Sahel -- Australia's big dry -- California crisis -- Drought: future impacts -- Sidebar: Drought: the civilization killer -- Notes -- Chapter 4: Rainfall and flooding: -- Effects of a faster hydrologic cycle -- Graph: Average annual frequency of extreme rainstorms or snowstorms -- Clouds and warming -- Sidebar: Mumbai's July 26, 2005, rain event -- Urban pollution and the heat island -- Consequences of extreme precipitation -- Notes -- Chapter 5: Hurricanes And Tropical Cyclones: -- Hurricane Katrina -- Sidebar: Saffir-Simpson Scale -- Cyclone Nargis -- Monsoons and cyclones -- Hurricane formation -- Graph: Comparative look at Hurricane Katrina -- AMO and other natural factors -- Sidebar: Witness to a hurricane -- Effect of global warming -- Wave heights and superstorms -- High-risk behavior -- Adapting to hurricanes -- Notes.
Overview: Explores the effects of global warming on human health, examining the impacts of extreme cold snaps; issues arising from aridity; the health dangers posed by hurricanes and floods; diminished air capacity from smog, pollution, the ozone, and aero-allergens; global warming and infectious disease; food security and food safety.