edited by Andreas Demetriou and Anastasia Efklides.
New York :
ix, 239 pages :
illustrations ;
23 cm.
Advances in psychology ;
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
4. A representational communication approach to the development of inductive and deductive logic / Peter E. Langford and Robert Hunting -- Gulliver Ravel's travels: An excursion to the theoretical islands of intelligence / Robert J. Sternberg.
Intelligence, mind and reasoning: Three levels of description / Andreas Demetriou and Anastasia Efklides -- pt. I. Intelligence and mind. 1. A person-situation interaction theory of intelligence in outline / Richard E. Snow. 2. Taking stock of what there is: The case of cognitive abilities / Johan Olav Undheim. 3. Hierarchical models of intelligence and educational achievement / Jan-Eric Gustafsson. 4. Structure, development, and dynamics of mind: A meta-Piagetian theory / Andreas Demetriou and Anastasia Efklides. 5. The older child's theory of mind / William V. Fabricius and Paula J. Schwanenflugel -- pt. II. Mind and reasoning. 1. Reasoning, metareasoning and the promotion of rationality / David Moshman. 2. The structure and development of propositional reasoning ability: Cognitive and metacognitive aspects / Anastasia Efklides, Andreas Demetriou and Yiota Metallidou. 3. Reasoning models and intellectual development / Leslie Smith.