prepared in cooperation with the American Society of Agronomy ; edited by N.C. Brady.
Volume 36 /
Orlando [Fla.] :
Academic Press,
1 online resource (xvii, 457 pages)
Advances in Agronomy ;
v. 36
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Front Cover; Advances in Agronomy, Volume 36; Copyright Page; Contents; Contributors; Preface; In Memoriam; CHAPTER 1. MYCORRHIZAS AND THEIR SIGNIFICANCE IN NODULATING NITROGEN-FIXING PLANTS; I. Introduction; II. Mycorrhizas; III. Mycorrhizas in Legumes; IV. Mycorrhizas in Nodulating Nitrogen-Fixing Nonlegume Plants; V. Conclusions and Perspectives; References; CHAPTER 2. SUBMICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF SOILS; I. Introduction; II. Submicroscopic Techniques; III. Applications of Electron Microscopy; IV. Applications of Ion Microscopy; V. Applications of Other Forms of Submicroscopy.
II. Buffalo Gourd: Cucurbita foeridissimu HBKIII. Jojoba: Simmondsia chinensis (Link) Schneider; IV. Conclusion; References; CHAPTER 8. PROTEIN TRANSFORMATION IN SOIL; I. Introduction; II. Protein Sources; III. Proteolytic Microorganisms; IV. Characteristics of Proteolytic Enzymes in Soils; V. Environmental Factors Affecting Proteolysis; VI. Transformation and Binding of Protein in Soil; VII. Ecological and Agronomic Importance of Protein Transformation; References; CHAPTER 9. APPLICATIONS OF INDUCED AND SPONTANEOUS MUTATION IN RICE BREEDING AND GENETICS; I. Introduction.
IV. Cytoplasmic-Genetic Male Sterility Systems in Rice and WheatV. Fertility Restoration; VI. Use of Chemical Pollen Suppressants in Hybrid Production; VII. Factors Affecting Cross-Fertilization; VIII. Seed Production; IX. Quality of Hybrids; X. Economic Considerations; XI. Problems; XII. Conclusion; References; CHAPTER 5. THERMODYNAMICS AND POTASSIUM EXCHANGE IN SOILS AND CLAY MATERIALS; I. Introduction; II. The Thermodynamics of Ion-Exchange Equilibria; III. Calorimetry in Ion-Exchange Studies; IV. Thermodynamics Applied to Potassium Exchange in Soils and Clay Minerals.
V. Exchange Equilibrium and the Kinetics of Potassium ExchangeVI. Summary and Conclusions; VII. Appendix: List of Symbols; References; CHAPTER 6. HERBICIDE ANTIDOTES: DEVELOPMENT. CHEMISTRY. AND MODE OF ACTION; I. Introduction; II. Development of Herbicide Antidotes; III. Chemistry of Herbicide Antidotes; IV. Field Performance of Herbicide Antidotes; V. Mode of Action of Herbicide Antidotes; VI. Degradation of Herbicide Antidotes in Plants; VII. Summary; References; CHAPTER 7. BUFFALO GOURD AND JOJOBA: POTENTIAL NEW CROPS FOR ARID LANDS; I. Introduction.
VI. ConclusionsReferences; CHAPTER 3. THE CONVERGENT EVOLUTION OF ANNUAL SEED CROPS IN AGRICULTURE; I. Introduction; II. Selection in Domesticated Crops; III. Ecotypic Parallelism in Crop Plants; IV. Selection, Evolution, and Crop Yield; V. Progress and Prospects in the Development of Annual Seed Crops; VI. A Basic Ideotype for All Annual Seed Crops; References; CHAPTER 4. CURRENT STATUS AND FUTURE PROSPECTS FOR BREEDING HYBRID RICE AND WHEAT; I. Introduction; II. Heterosis in Rice and Wheat; III. Advantages of Hybrids over Conventionally Bred Varieties.