Book Cover; Title; Contents; Editor's Introduction page; Apoptosis: a 20th Century Scientific Revolution; The Enzymology of Apoptosis; Molecular Mechanisms of Apoptosis; Identification of Genes Associated with Cell Death; Genes Involved with Apoptosis; The Role of p53 in Apoptosis; Bcl-2 and the Regulation of Programmed Cell Death; Molecular and Genetic Control of Apoptosis in Drosophila; Evolution of Apoptosis; Hormonal Control of Apoptosis in Gonadal Tissues; Apoptosis in the Immune System; Suppression of Apoptosis by Monoclonal Antibodies in Mouse Malignant T-lymphoma Cells.
In apoptosis in the mammalian system, cells have a finite life - they develop, are used and then die. Cancer cells escape this programmed routine but, from an understanding of apoptosis, they can be programmed to die. This book addresses the.