Front Cover; Advances in Parasitology, Volume 7; Copyright Page; Contents; Contributors to Volume 7; Foreword; Preface; Chapter 1. The Host-Parasite Relationships of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes; I. Introduction; Il. Types of Relationship; Ill. Host Response to Parasite; IV. Effects of Host on the Parasite; V. The Future; References; Chapter 2. The Immunology of Schistosomiasis; I. Introduction; Il. Innate Immunity; lII. Acquired Immunity; IV. Immunopathology; V. General Conclusions; Acknowledgements; References; Chapter 3. Experimental Fascioliasis in Australia; I. Introduction
I. Species of Paragonimus and their Geographical DistributionIl. Species Differentiation; Ill. Symptomatology; IV. Sero-immunological Diagnosis; V. Treatment; References; Author Index; Subject Index
Il. Identity and Ecology of Lymnaea tomentosa, Snail Host of Fasciola hepaticaIll. Susceptibility of Snails and Adaptation of the Parasite; IV. Biology of Fasciola hepatica; V. Fasciola hepatica in Definitive Hosts; VI. Chemotherapy of Fascioliasis; VII. Control of Intermediate Snail Host; VIII. Epidemiology and Control of Fascioliasis; Acknowledgements; References; Chapter 4. The Epidemiology and Control of Some Nematode Infections of Grazing Animals; I. Introduction; Il. Host Resistance; Ill. The Free Living Stages; IV. Parasitic Gastro-enteritis in Cattle
V. Cytology and UltrastructureVI. Biochemistry; VII. Immunity; VIII. In vitro Cultivation; Acknowledgements; References; Chapter 7. Advances in Veterinary Anthelmintic Medication; I. Introduction; Il. Parasitic Gastro-enteritis of Cattle and Sheep; lll. Parasitic Bronchitis; IV. Fascioliasis; V. Dicrocoelium dendriticum; VI. Tapeworms; VII. Ascariasis; VIII. Equine Strongyliasis; IX. Porcine Oesophagostomiasis, Hyostrongyliasis and Strongyloidiasis; X. Capillariasis in Poultry; XI. Syngamiasis in Birds; XIl. Conclusion; References; Chapter 8. Paragonimus and Paragonimiasis
V. Parasitic Gastro-enteritis in SheepVI. Parasitic Bronchitis of Cattle; VII. Nematodiriasis; VIII. Husbandry and the Control of Nematode Infections; IX. Conclusions; References; Chapter 5. Meteorological Factors and Forecasts of Helminthic Disease; I. Introduction; Il. Laboratory Observations; lll. Plot Observations; IV. The Experimental Paddock; V. Climate and Incidence of Disease; VI. Discussion; References; Chapter 6. The Biology of the Hydatid Organisms; I. Introduction; Il. Speciation; Ill. Host Specificity; IV. Establishment and Development of Adult in Definitive Host