The three brothers and the spotted horse -- The hunter and his dogs -- Tug-of-war between tie-snakes -- The hunters' wives -- The stork father -- Rabbit steals fire -- Turtle is beaten by three mothers -- Rabbit rides wolf -- Turtle races wolf -- The young man who turned into a snake -- Man defeats a giant lizard -- Man races a snake -- Rabbit traps lion on the other side of the ocean -- Rabbit seeks wisdom from God -- Two boys become thunder -- Tiger helps man defeat a giant lizard -- Rabbit tries to straighten riverbeds -- Twisted horn steals man's heart -- Old dog saves master from long claws -- Doe killed by hunter, becomes his wife -- Buzzard doctors rabbit -- Cow wants a knife -- Hunter captured by eagle -- Whistling man helps hunter -- Hunter taken to the deer cave -- Man races a lizard -- Turtle tried to look up women's dresses -- Wolf wants to become spotted -- Girl abducted by lion.