The electronic library the international journal for the application of technology in information environments ;
v. 23, no. 1
EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD; VIEWPOINT; E-books in academic libraries; An overview of electronic books: a bibliography; The e-book industry today: a bumpy road becomes an evolutionary path to market maturity; Using electronic textbooks: promoting, placing and embedding; Desirable search features of web-based scholarly e-book systems; Electronic textbooks that transform how textbooks are used; Implications for electronic publishing in libraries and information centres in Africa; E-books in an academic library: implementation at the ETH Library, Zurich
Can electronic textbooks help children to learn?Electronic books: their integration into library and information centers; Book reviews; Note from the publisher
The articles in this e-book are each testament to the many important uses to which electronic books are now being put. For example, they are being used for the support of teaching and learning, for the dissemination of technical information and for knowledge sharing in the leisure and health industries.