(Continued) The major transitions in evolution / John Maynard Smith -- Cellular automata: complex nonadaptive systems / Erica Jen -- Self-organized criticality: a holistic view of nature / Per Bak -- Dynamics, computation, and the "edge of chaos": a re-examination / Melanie Mitchell, James P. Crutchfield, and Peter T. Hraber -- Is anything ever new?: considering emergence / James P. Crutchfield -- Review and remarks on applications / John H. Holland -- Interactions between theory, models, and observations / Erica Jen -- Search for consensual views / David Pines -- What are the important questions? / George A. Cowan.
(Continued) What would be conserved if "the tape were played twice?" / Walter Fontana and Leo Buss -- Complexity of brain circuits / Charles Stevens -- The schema / Ben Martin -- A complex systems approach to computational molecular biology / Alan Lapedes -- Echoing emergence: objectives, rough definitions, and speculations for ECHO-class models / John H. Holland -- Prediction and adaptation in an evolving chaotic environment / Alfred Hubler and David Pines -- How do RNA molecules and viruses explore their worlds? / Peter Schuster -- Complex ecological systems / James H. Brown -- Beyond general equilibrium / Kenneth Arrow.
The eightfold way to the theory of complexity: a prologue / Philip W. Anderson -- Complex adaptive systems / Murray Gell-Mann -- On the complexity of cultural transmission and evolution / Marcus Feldman, Luigi L. Cavalli-Sforza, and Lev.A. Zhivotovsky -- On the evolution of complexity / W. Brian Arthur -- Whispers from Carnot: the origins of order and principles of adaptation in complex nonequilibrium systems / Stuart A. Kauffman -- Evolution and complexity / Tom S. Ray -- Proteins as adaptive complex systems / Hans Frauenfelder -- The theoretical problems in immunology: AIDS and epitopes / Alan S. Perelson -- Developmental complexity and evolutionary order / Brian Goodwin.