Chapter 1 The Pronunciation of Italian; The Italian Alphabet and Its Sounds; Phonemes (with IPA Symbols); Sounding out the Alphabet; Vowels; Single and double consonants; Stress (accento tonico) and accent marks; Diphthongs and triphthongs; Hiatus; Syllabication; Punctuation and Orthographic Marks; Chapter 2 Nouns and Articles; Nouns; Nouns ending in -o and -a; Plural forms; Nouns ending in -e; Nouns referring to human beings; Nouns referring to things; Feminine nouns; Forming the plural; Masculine nouns ending in -a; Feminine nouns ending in -o.
Adjectives of NationalityAdjectives Ending in -co, -ca, -go, -ga; Adjectives Ending in -cio, -cia, -gio, -gia; Irregular Adjectives of Color; Adjectives with Shortened Forms; Bello; Grande; Santo; Buono, and Nessuno; Titles Ending in -e; Formation of Nouns from Adjectives; Possessive Adjectives; With nouns denoting family members or relatives; Demonstrative Adjectives; Expressions Che! and Quanto!; Formation of Adverbs; Chapter 4 Comparatives and Superlatives; Comparatives; Comparative of equality with adjectives; Comparative of equality with nouns; Comparative of inequality.
Plural of nouns ending in -ca and -gaPlural of masculine nouns ending in -co and -go; Plural of masculine nouns ending in -io; Nouns with two plurals (feminine and masculine) and two meanings; Masculine nouns with feminine plurals; Plural of feminine nouns ending in -cia and -gia; Plural of nouns ending in a stressed vowel; Plural of monosyllabic nouns; Irregular plural nouns; Masculine and feminine endings of the same noun; Foreign nouns; Compound nouns; Diminutives, augmentatives, and pejoratives; The Definite Article; With general and abstract nouns; With titles; With languages.
Relative Superlative of AdjectivesAbsolute Superlative of Adjectives and Adverbs; Irregular Comparatives and Superlatives; Irregular Comparatives and Superlatives of Adverbs; Chapter 5 Numbers, Dates, and Time; Numbers; Cardinal numbers; Special use of Duecento, Trecento, etc.; Ordinal numbers; Ordinal numbers with titles; Fractions; Dates; Days of the week; Months of the year; Seasons of the year; Time; Colloquial time; Official time; Chapter 6 Verbs; Moods and Tenses; Simple Tenses; Formal versus Familiar Forms; Subject Pronouns; Present Indicative Tense (Presente Indicativo).
With continents, countries, islands, regions, and citiesWith nouns denoting family members preceded by possessive adjectives; With days of the week; With prepositions and contractions; Articulated prepositions; Feminine singular plural forms; Masculine plural forms; Feminine plural forms; The Indefinite Article; Special uses of the indefinite article; The Partitive; The partitive versus the definite article; Exception to the rule for using the partitive; After expressions of quantity with di; Chapter 3 Adjectives and Adverbs; Adjectives Ending in -o; Adjectives Ending in -e.
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Schaum's outline of Italian grammar.
Italian grammar
Italian language-- Grammar.
Italian language, Textbooks for foreign speakers-- English.