over 80 great recipes for taking control of Cognos 8 Report Studio /
Abhishek Sanghani ; reviewers: Terry Curran [and others].
Birmingham, U.K. :
Packt Enterprise,
1 online resource (iv, 256 pages) :
color illustrations
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Cover; Copyright; Credits; About the Author; About the Reviewers; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Report Authoring Basic Concepts; Introduction; Summary filter and detail filter; Sorting grouped values; Aggregation and rollup aggregation; Implementing IF THEN ELSE in filters; Data formatting options: Dates, numbers,; and percentages; Creating sections; Hiding column in crosstab; Prompts: Display value versus use value; Chapter 2: Advanced Report Authoring; Introduction; Adding a cascaded prompt; Creating nested report: Defining master; detail relationship; Writing back to the database
Adding conditional formattingRunning difference: Negative values in; brackets and red; New conditional styling with v8.3 onwards; Conditional block: Many reports in one; Drill-through from crosstab intersection; Overriding crosstab intersection; drill-through definition; Chapter 3: Tips and Tricks: JavaScripts; Introduction; Dynamic default value for prompt; Changing title of the dropdown box; Listbox: Applying Deselect All on rerun; Validating textbox prompts; Show/Hide prompt controls at runtime; Automatic selection and submission of values; Manipulating Date Time control
Chapter 6: Writing Printable ReportsIntroduction; Container size and rows per page; Eliminating orphan rows; Defining page orientation and size; (also override for one page); Avoiding page title repetition; Horizontal pagination; Choosing output format from prompt; Choosing right colors; Defining page set; Caution about HTML items and JavaScript; Chapter 7: Working with Dimensional Models; Introduction; List report or crosstab report; Filtering rows or columns; Filtering whole report; Adding prompt into slicer and its limitation; New feature for zero suppression
Level independent MUN for parentchild hierarchy; Aggregation versus pre-aggregated values; RoleValue() function; Swapping dimensions using; string manipulation; Chapter 8: Macros; Introduction; Add data level security using CSVIdentityMap macro; Using prompt macro in native SQL; Making prompt optional; Adding token using macro; Using prompt and promptmany macros in query subject; Showing the prompt values in report based on security; String operations to get it right; Showing user name in footer; Chapter 9: Using Report Studio Better; Introduction; Report Studio environmental options
Variable width bar chart using JavaScriptChapter 4: Tips and Tricks: Report Page; Introduction; Showing images dynamically; (Traffic Light report); Handling missing image issue; Dynamic links to external website; (Google Map example); Alternating drill link; Showing tool tip on reports; Achieving minimum column width; Merged cells in Excel output; Worksheet name in Excel output; Conditional column titles; Chapter 5: XML Editing; Introduction; Quickly changing drill targets; Copy-pasting drill link; Removing references to old package; and namespaces; A hidden gem in XML-row level formatting
Over 80 great recipes for taking control of Cognos 8 Report Studio with this book and eBook.
Packt Publishing Pvt. Ltd
IBM Cognos 8 Report Studio cookbook.
Business report writing-- Computer programs.
IBM software.
Management information systems.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Business Communication-- General.