Intelligence and counterintelligence studies series
Includes bibliographical references (pages 381-390) and index.
Congress and the CIA; Contents; Preface; Part I. What the Relationship was Like; The Nature of the Relationship, 1946-76; The Central Intelligence Group (1946-76); The Early Oversight Arrangements: 1947-56; The Mansfield Resolutions: 1953-55; Debate in the Senate: 1956; Subsequent Developments: 1956-59; The Issue of GAO Audits: 1959-62; Shootdown of the U-2: 1960; The Bay of Pigs: 1961; The Remainder of the 1960's: A Period of Quiescence; McCone's Early Interaction with the Congress; The ""Dust-Up"" with Congressman Lindsay: 1963-64; CIA Interactions with the Congress: 1963-66.
Procedures for ""Whistleblowers"" Who Wished to Contact Congress: 1998The Joint Inquiry into the 9/11 Attacks: 2001-2003; Criticism from the 9/11 Commission and an End to Term Limits: 2004; Author's Commentary; Endnotes; Intelligence-Sharing and Other Interaction; The Early Period: 1947-75; After the Creation of the Select Comittees: 1976-2004; Author's Commentary; Endnotes; Organizational Arrangements at the CIA; One-Man Operations; An Expanded Office of Legislative Counsel: 1976-81; Casey and Congress: 1981-86; Responding to Iran-Contra: 1986-90.
Strengthening Ties to the Hill After the Guatemala Episode: 1995The Office of Congressional Affairs: 1988-2004; Author's Commentary; Endnotes; Part II. What the Relationship Produced; Legislation; The Agency's Original Charter: Section 202 of the National Security Act of 1947; The CIA Act of 1949; Additional Legislation: 1949-64; The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978; The Classified Information Procedures Act of 1980; The Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982; Exemption from the Freedom of Information Act for CIA: 1984; The CIA Inspector General Act of 1989.
The Mining of the Nicaraguan Harbors and the Casey Accords: 1984Term Limits as an Issue for the SSCI: 1984; GAO Again: 1984; Continued Wrangling over Covert Action Notification: 1985-86; Tightening Control Over Intelligence Funding: 1986; Investigating the Iran-Contra Affair: 1986-87; Changes to Congressional Oversight Prompted by Iran-Contra: 1987-91; GAO Audits Resurface: 1987-88; The Creation of a Statutory Inspector General for the CIA: 1989; Statutory Recognition of the Agency's Support of Congress: 1992; Formalization of Notification Procedures: The Guatemala Inquiries, 1995.
The SFRC Asserts its Rights to Oversee the CIA: 19661971: A Pivotal Year; Congressional Inquiries into Watergate: 1973-74; Congressional Inquiries into the CIA Activities in Chile: 1973-74; Allegations of Domestic Spying and Other Abuses: 1974-75; The Church Committee: 1975-76; The Nedzi/Pike Committees: 1975-76; Author's Commentary; Endnotes; The Relationship: 1976-2004; The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence: 1976; The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: 1977; 1977-80: The Committees Prove Themselves; The Intelligence Oversight Act of 1980.
Congress and the CIA.
United States.
United States.-- History.
United States.
United States.
Intelligence service-- United States-- History.
Legislative oversight-- United States-- History.
Government - U.S.
Intelligence service.
Law, Politics & Government.
Legislative oversight.
Political Institutions & Public Administration - U.S., Legislative Branch.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Political Freedom & Security-- Intelligence.