Contemporary Russian organised crime: embedded in Russian society / Louise Shelley -- The Turkish mafia and the state / Frank Bovenkerk and Yucel Yesilgoz -- Comparative synthesis of part II / Letizia Paoli and Cyrille Fijnaut -- Part III: Organised crime control policies. Introduction to part III: the initiatives of the European Union and the Council of Europe / Cyrille Fijnaut and Letizia Paoli -- The paradox of effectiveness: growth, institutionalisation and evaluation of anti-mafia policies in Italy / Antonio la Spina -- Organised crime policies in the Neterlands / Henk Van de Bunt -- Organised crime policies in Germany / Michael Kilchling -- The control of organised crime in France: a fuzzy concept but a handy reference / Thierry Godefroy -- Organised crime control policies in Spain: a disorganised criminal policy for organised crime / José Luis de la Cuesta -- The making of the United Kingdom's organised crime controle policies / Michael Levi -- Denmark on the road to organised crime / Karin Cornils and Vagn Greve -- Organised crime policies in the Czech Republic: a hard road from under-estimation to the Eurpean standard / Miroslav Scheinost -- The development of organised crime policies in Poland: from socialist regime to rechtsstaat / Emil Plywaczewski and Wojciech Filipkowski -- Organised crime policies in Switzerland: opening the way for a new type of criminal legislation / Karl-Ludwig Kunz and Elias Hofstetter -- Organised crime control in Albania: the long and difficult path to meet international standards and develop effective policies / Vasilika Hysi -- Anti-organised crime policies in Russia / Thomas Krüssmann -- Comparative synthesis of part III / Cyrille Fijnaut and Letizia Paoli -- General conclusion / Letizia Paoli and Cyrille Fijnaut.
Preface / Letizia Paoli and Cyrille Fijnaut -- General introduction / Letizia Paoli and Cyrille Fijnaut -- Part I: The history of organized crime. Introduction to part I: the history of the concept / Letizia Paoli and Cyrille Fijnaut -- The mafia and the problem of the mafia: organised crime in Italy, 1820-1970 / Gianluca Fulvetti -- Multiple underworlds in the Dutch Republic of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries / Florike Egmond -- Many a lord is guilty, indeed for many a poor man's dishonest deed: gangs of Robbers in early modern Germany / Katrin Lange -- Banditry in Corsica: the eighteenth to twentieth centuries / Stephen Wilson -- From thievish artel to criminal corporation: the history of organised crime in Russia / Yakov Gilinskiy and Yakov Kostjukovsky -- Urban knights and rebels in the Ottoman emprie / Yücel Yesilgöz and Frank Boverkerk -- Comparative synthesis of part I / Cyrille Fijnaut and Letizia Paoli -- Part II: Contemporary patterns of organised crime. Introduction to part II: sources and literature / Cyrille Fijnaut and Letizia Paoli -- Organised crime in Italy: mafia and illegal markets -- excpetion and normality / Letizia Paoli -- Crossing borders: organised crime in the Netherlands / Edward Kleemans -- Organised crime in Germany: a passe-partout definition encompassing different phenomena / Jörg Kinzig and Anna Luczak -- How organised is organised crime in France? / Nacer Lalam -- Spain: the flourishing illegal drug haven in Europe / Alejandra Gómez Céspedes and Per Stangeland -- The nature and representation of organised crime in the United Kingdom / Dick Hobbs -- The Czech Republic: a crossroads for organised crime / Miroslav Nozina -- Organised crime in Poland: its development from real socialism to present times / Emil Plywaczewski -- Illegal markets and organised crimes in Switzerland: a critical assessment / Claudio Besozzi -- Organised crime in Albania: the ugly side of capitalism and democracy / Vasilika Hysi.
Attempts to systematically compare organised crime concepts, as well as historical and contemporary patterns and control policies in thirteen European countries. Based on a standardised research protocol, thirty-three experts from different legal and social disciplines provide insight through detailed country reports.