Book Cover; Title; Contents; LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS; PREFACE TO THE REISSUE, 2000; INTRODUCTION TO THE THIRD EDITION; INTRODUCTION TO THE FIRST EDITION; ENGLISH SOCIETY BEFORE AND AFTER THE COMING OF INDUSTRY The passing of the patriarchal household: parents and children, masters and servants; A ONE-CLASS SOCIETY Social divisions and power relations amongst nobility, gentry, townsmen and peasants; THE VILLAGE COMMUNITY The scale of life in cottage, farmstead, manor house and church.
MISBELIEFS ABOUT OUR ANCESTORS The absence of child marriage and extended family households from the English pastBIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS The recovery of the English population record since the close of the Middle Ages; DID THE PEASANTS REALLY STARVE? Famine and pestilence amongst English people in the pre-industrial past; PERSONAL DISCIPLINE AND SOCIAL SURVIVAL With notes on the history of bastardy and of sexual nonconformism in England; SOCIAL CHANGE AND REVOLUTION IN THE TRADITIONAL WORLD With an attempt to expu.
An updated re-issue of the third edition of this classic guide to family and community in England after the Middle Ages and before the changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution.