Cover; Copyright; Credits; About the Author; About the Reviewers; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Portals and Portal Servers; Portals; Why portals?; Types of portals; Function-based portals; Vertical portal; Horizontal portal; User-based portals; B2B portal; B2C portal; B2E portal; Portal servers; Portlets and portlet container; Constructing a view; Portal specification and WSRP; Servlets and portlets; Summary; Chapter 2: Getting Started with JBoss Portal; JBoss portal server; Features; Installing the server; Getting the software; System requirements; Installation
Building a sample application: an intranet portalIntroduction; Creating the MyCompany portal; A JSP portlet; Summary; Chapter 5: Personalizing Our Portal Experience; Personalization and customization; Personalizing the portal; Personalization models; User profile-based; Rules-based; Collaborative filtering; Personalized interface; Layouts; Themes; RenderSets; Custom development; Personalized content; Access-level based portlets; Preference-based portlets; Analytics-based portlets; Customizing the portal; Setting preferences; Drag-and-drop content; Usability settings; Summary
Chapter 6: Portals and AJAXRich user interfaces and AJAX; Asynchronous JavaScript and XML or AJAX; AJAX in JBoss portal; JSR-168 AJAX limitations; JSR-286 and AJAX; Developing an AJAX portlet; The front-end; The server-side portlet; Deployment; AJAX support for markup; Layout markup; Renderer markup; AJAX support for content; Drag-and-Drop; Partial content refresh; Portal object configuration; Portlet configuration; Constraints in implementing partial refresh; Considerations for AJAX implementations; Global variables; State management; Visual cues; Summary; Chapter 7: Databases and Portal
JBoss portal packaged with JBoss application serverJBoss portal binary without the server; Building JBoss portal from source; Configuration; Changing the context root; Changing the portal port; Setting email service; Configuring proxies; Working with the portal; Getting started; Creating our first portal page; Summary; Chapter 3: Saying Hello with a Portlet; Portal page; JSR-168 and JSR-286-Java portlet specification; Portal URL; Portlet modes; Window states; A Hello World portlet; Portlet development environment; Portlet package structure; Writing the code; Application descriptors
Portlet.xmlportlet-instances.xml; sayhello-object.xml; web.xml; Building the application; Deploying the application; Accessing the page and portal URL; Summary; Chapter 4: Managing the View; The Presentation tier in portals; Using Java Server Pages; Archive package structure with JSP; Writing the code; Portlet class; JSPs and portlet tags; Application descriptors; Building the application; Deploying the application; Using Java Server Faces; JSR -301 Portlet Bridge; Package structure with JSF; Application descriptors; Building the application; Deploying the application; Using JBoss Seam
"This book is a practical guide for installing, configuring and building feature-rich portal applications using the latest JBoss Portal Server 2.7.0. It explains, with examples, how portals can be easily developed, personalized, secured and integrated with other external enterprise assets."--Resource description page.
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JBoss portal server development : create dynamic, feature-rich, and robust enterprise portal applications.