Includes bibliographical references (pages 208-215) and indexes.
1. Demonstration and Dialectic. 1. Unconditional Scientific-Knowledge. 2. Plain Scientific-Knowledge and Hos epi to polu. 3. Ethics. 4. Arguing to a First Principle. 5. Dialectic. 6. The Truth in Phainomena. 7. From Ethical Phainomena to Ethical Endoxa. 8. Ethical Endoxa. 9. Nous of First Principles in Science and Ethics. 10. Dialectic and Nous -- 2. Phronesis. 11. Practical Perception. 12. Scientific-Knowledge, Craft-Knowledge, and Politics. 13. Deliberation. 14. Phronesis and the Virtues of Character. 15. Decision. 16. Instantaneous Action and Future Planning. 17. Phronesis and Wisdom. 18. Phronesis as a Virtue -- 3. Actions, Ends, and Functions. 19. Actions, Productions, and Ends. 20. The Argument from Politics. 21. Completeness, Self-Sufficiency, and Choiceworthiness of Ends. 22. The Function Argument. 23. Complete Virtues and Complete Lives. 24. Human Beings. 25. The Role of the Function Argument in the Ethics -- 4. Eudaimonia and Eudaimon Lives. 26. Study. 27. Human or Divine?
28. Eudaimonia and Eudaimon Lives. 29. External Goods. 30. External Goods and the Virtues of Character. 31. Virtuous Friends. 32. Practical Activity. 33. The Role of the Ethics in the Eudaimon Life -- Appendix: Form and Matter in Aristotle's Embryology.
Practices of Reason is an exploration of the epistemological, metaphysical, and psychological foundations of the Nicomachean Ethics. In a striking reversal of current orthodoxy, Professor Reeve argues that scientific-knowledge (episteme) is possible in ethics, that dialectic and understanding (nous) play essentially the same role in ethics as in an Aristotelian science, and that the distinctive role of practical wisdom (phronesis) is to use the knowledge of universals provided by science, dialectic, and understanding so as to best promote happiness (eudaimomia) in particular circumstances and to ensure a happy life. Turning to happiness itself, the author develops a new account of Aristotle's views on ends and functions, exposing their twofold nature. He argues that the activation of theoretical wisdom is primary happiness, and that the activation of practical wisdom - when it is for the sake of primary happiness - is happiness of a secondary kind. He concludes with an account of the virtues of character, external goods, and friends, and their place in the happy life. The book will be of interest to all those who have unanswered questions about the central arguments, concepts, and presuppositions of the Nicomachean Ethics.