What is consulting, exactly? -- The outlook : is consulting a viable option for librarians? is the library market viable for other types of consultants? -- The realities of life as a consultant -- Personal characteristics : is consulting a good fit? -- Business planning : is there a market? and a living? for me? -- Getting ready : the building blocks -- Getting "out there" : marketing a personal brand -- Proposals and contracts : documenting the business relationship -- So tell me : what's it really like : postscript: go for it -- with passion!?
Librarians and information professionals possess a unique mix of skills that are well suited to consulting. Expert author Ulla de Stricker builds on this skill set to present a range of consulting activities from highly specialized, focused activities to broad, strategic efforts." "If you've ever considered becoming a consultant, this book will help you determine whether it's right for you and give you the tools to succeed. Seasoned consultants, library directors and trainers, and companies working with libraries will also gain inspiration from the wealth of ideas offered here"--Back cover.