Introduction / Maurizio Bussolo and Jeffery Round -- A simple methodology with extensions / Neil McCulloch -- Linking trade liberalisation and poverty: An illustration from Vietnam in the 1990s / Yoko Niimi, Puja Vasudeva-Dutta, and L. Alan Winters -- Globalisation and poverty : implications of South Asian experience for the wider debate / Jeffery Round and John Whalley -- Globalisation in developing countries : the role of transaction costs in explaining economic performance in India / Maurizio Bussolo and John Whalley -- Globalisation-poverty interactions in Bangladesh / Mustafa Mujeri and Bazlul Khondker -- Poverty and policy in a globalising economy : the case of Ghana / Maurizio Bussolo and Jeffery Round -- Trade liberalisation and poverty in Nepal : A computable general equilibrium micro simulation analysis / John Cockburn -- Globalisation and poverty changes in Colombia / Maurizio Bussolo and Jann Lay.
The consequences of globalization for the world's poor are uncertain and fierce rhetoric is dividing its supporters and detractors.The channels of effect of essentially macroeconomic shocks on the microeconomic position of individuals and households in poor countries are many and various. This book addresses three core issues: 1) what are the main channels of effect? 2) what are the lessons to be learned from policy measures to alleviate negative poverty consequences? and 3) do the proposed analytical approaches assist in providing a monitoring capability?