"Related works by Alain Daniélou": pages 123-124.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 116-120) and index.
Foreword: Alain Daniélou and the discovery of the divine / Jacques E. Cloarec -- Editor's preface: The ferryman's task of Alain Daniélou / Jean-Louis Gabin -- Shaivite cosmology and polytheism -- The Shaivite revival from the third to the tenth centuries C.E. -- The symbolism of the Linga -- The three doors -- Shaivism and third nature -- Insights into initiation -- The science of dreams -- Poetry and metaphysics -- The cock -- The nature of beauty according to the Samkhyas -- Music: the language of the gods -- The secret of the tantras -- Shaivism and the primordial tradition -- Appendix: Light on Samkhya and poetry.
Inner Traditions, C/O Simon & Schuster 100 Front st, Riverside, NJ, USA, 08075-7500