Introduction -- Setting the stage -- The core idea -- Autobiography of a failed philosopher -- The theory of reflexivity -- Reflexivity in financial markets -- The super-bubble hypothesis -- Autobiography of a successful speculator -- My outlook for 2008 -- Some policy recommendations.
In the midst of the most serious financial upheaval since the Great Depression, legendary financier George Soros explores the origins of the crisis and its implications for the future. In a concise essay that combines practical insight with philosophical depth, Soros makes an invaluable contribution to our understanding of the great credit crisis and its implications for our nation and the world.
Credit-- United States.
Financial crises-- United States.
Credit-- United States.
Crédito-- Estados unidos.
Crise financeira-- Estados unidos.
Crise financière.
Economic history.
Economic policy.
Financial crises-- United States.
Financial crises.
Financiële crises.
Internationaler Kreditmarkt
Marché financier international.
Personal finance-- United States.
Política econômica-- Estados unidos.
Systèmes bancaires.
United States, Economic conditions, 21st century.
United States, Economic policy.
United States, Economic conditions.
Estados Unidos (CondiÇÕes EconÔmicas), Século 21.